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A forum to promote and defend the vision of Vatican II 
Original articles have comment boxes - comments welcome!  

Edited by  Fr John Wotherspoon O.M.I. 
胡 頌 恆 神 父    

DV  New articles 7 days a week to encourage people trying to follow the vision of Vatican II despite the Church going through a time of shame & sadness

Best viewed in Internet Explorer because of  Microsoft-Google war!

The New Translation                 Lent file

More bloggers, more tank people,
 wanted  from all parts of the world!

Contact: jdwomi@gmail.com  
(notice that tank man is on a crossing!)

Agenda of "Reform of the Reform" tanks:   no more Communion under both kinds, Latin Mass with priest not facing people, no lay people (except altar boys) on sanctuary, no altar girls, no special ministers, Communion on tongue while kneeling down, no more deacons, more censorship, more control by Rome, Vatican II teaching undermined  
The next pope: a load of rubbish       
Choosing the next pope         Crash the Cardinals Prayer        Letter from Pope John Paul III  

Next pope: place your bets           Priest's dream for next pope        Seamus Ahearne OSA     Pray and fast for the conclave

Cardinal Turkson for pope       Next pope should be African          Church's Obama moment           New pope - Scottish perspective

New pope. Same Church?       A Politburo Papacy?        Gemma Simmonds CJ        Gerry O'Hanlon SJ         Brendan Butler

February 27 Farewell Liturgy
     Prayers for conclave (USBC)     John Thavis (Video)    David Timbs    Megan McKennia    Judith Lynch

Tablet Audit    America writers     What now?     2005 insights into 2013 conclave    Anura Guruge     Church is too Western/European  

Leonardo Boff

 Sunday February 24 

Remembering the changes
after Vatican II

Darlene Starrs
(Canada Sunday blogger)
My point is there appeared to be a forward momentum in the Church after Vatican II and it seemed to move along fairly well, and now, it’s like we’ve hit a brick wall?
(Congrats Darlene on obtaining
Irish Citizenship! -jw)

2005 insights into 2013 conclave
John W
Cardinal George Pell to be the candidate for carrying on the JPII-B16 legacy?

UK Card: next pope should allow
 priests to marry

A moving new book 
which is helping prevent suicide:
Life, In Spite of Me
Kristen Jane Anderson

 Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 24
Abraham & the God of Heaven
Heaven: the land of the living
Our homeland is in Heaven
 A taste of Heaven
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 22

This week's smile
 Why US Jesuit should be pope!

The world within is the real world
Joseph Girzone

 It is such a joy to rediscover the dream that Jesus had of what he had wanted so much for us, a world of humble shepherds, showing us how to live and love and care for one another, not ruling over us by decrees and endless laws and human customs that have long ago lost their meaning, and wandering around in robes  people wore 700 years ago

2,600 year old Cyrus Cylinder
- see comment Feb 23, "JohnHu"

Grapevine: On Feb 28  Pope will give cardinals some light reading matter for the conclave: a personal copy of this 300 page report

Vatican II  Reflection 09
Church teaching should be Biblical

John W - Blog - Feb 24
The Ultimate Reunion!

 Monday February 25  

US  has 70 million Catholics & 13 cardinals at conclave. Philippines has 75 million Catholics & 1 at conclave.
Phil websites/blogs very unhappy:

e.g. Anura Guruge

The 2005 conclave had 29 Italian cardinals, same as from Africa/Asia combined.  Italy  had 55 million Catholics, A/A more than 200 million  (America)

2013 conclave - same ratio:
61 are European, (21 are Italian),
 19 Latin Americans, 14 North Americans, 11 Africans, 10 Asians and one from Oceania 

When Paul VI was nearing the end of his life in 1978, an international committee of lay people prepared a book of dossiers to help the cardinals better know each other!
See p. 10 of this 1978 paper
- includes a review of the book by
Andrew Greeley

How many conclave cardinals have used 1962 Mass? 12 (comment)

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 25
Wisdom's address: Goodness St.
Trust when in big trouble - not easy
4 features of genuine Christian
Faith makes a difference
Please add a comment!

Why can/can't women be priests?
Questions from a Ewe

Spirituality & the stages of life:
One size doesn't fit all
Ron Rolheiser OMI
(Talk given in US Feb 23)

Successive popes have transformed
Vatican into absolute monarchy

Please post a comment here!
Vatican II  Reflection 10

How can we encourage more Christians to read the Bible?

John W - Blog - Feb 25
Three items re healing prayer

The program for the young churches, outlined by Vatican II, presents a carbon copy of the mature church in Europe and America, a church afflicted with serious, if not mortal, ills and weaknesses. The authors can't imagine a church different from their own   - Vincent Donovan
Christianity Rediscovered p.97


 Tuesday February 26 

Opus Dei - Cancer Within?
Martin Mallon 
(Tuesday blogger from Ireland)
Will this papal election be free and open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, or does Opus Dei have a disproportionate influence on the outcome?  

 "Opus Dei  2005 conclave" in
Google produces many articles, 
some of them "over the top" ,
 others worth reading.  e.g.

Opus Dei & 2005 conclave

John W - Blog - Feb 26
 Curia bears uncanny resemblance
 to eunuchs of Ming Dynasty!

Scholar-officials (read "bishops"!) lost prominence in administration as eunuchs became intermediaries between the aloof emperor and his officials; any senior official who wanted to discuss state matters had to persuade powerful eunuchs with a bribe simply to have his demands or message relayed to the emperor.

Congo: historic peace accord
Let's keep Congo in prayers!

Reading Reflection Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 26
Old age doesn't mean wisdom
Is my nation wise?
Healings should be frequent
Again: H e a l i n g !
Please add a comment!
See comments Feb 24

Magisterium & theologians
10 laments

Vatican II  Reflection 11
Do I have a burning love
for the Bible?

I believe (prayer) is the necessary dimension Christianity adds to pagan prayer, or to Hindu and Buddhist prayer. 
It opens up an already beautifully prayerful people, opens them up to God, to humankind, and to creation. Paganism is a closed and fatalistic system. What we are asking them to believe, in their prayers, is not that the laws of the universe are being suspended, but that creation is open-ended and continuing
Vincent Donovan, p. 102
Christianity Rediscovered  

 Wednesday February 20 

Do not be afraid
is McDonnell
(UK Wed blogger) 
But maybe the cardinals should remember the words of Yogi Berra when he spoke about baseball managers,  "If you do what you have always done, you are going to get what you have always got."  

Heard on grapevine:
All cardinals in Rome Feb 27
for a farewell Mass?
Pope fires parting shot
The next pope may bring with him an invigorating connection to the Southern Hemisphere, a media magnetism or better leadership skills than the shy and cerebral Benedict. But whoever he may be, the 266th pope will inherit a gerontocracy obsessed with turf and Italian politics, uninterested in basic management practices and hostile to reforms.

Having more or being more?
Sr Clare Condon SGS
(who is giving up TV for Lent!)

 Reading Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 20
Who cares what others say?
Mind-blowing love
An example for conclave!
No. 1, No. 1, No. 1  !
Please add a comment!
See 6 comments Feb 18

Conclave shouldn't start early!
Dr Paul Collins (Catholica)

Jesuits give Chinese lessons

Reflections on our journeys into
the mystery of human love

(Gary Everett, CathBlog)

Secrets of the Rich
George Monbiot
Tobacco company tactic:
stay hidden and use others

Vatican II  Reflection 05
Bible + Tradition = Message
(please add a comment!) 

John W - Blog - Feb 20
How to get best possible pope!

 Thursday February 21   

DV this website will have it's own blogger in Rome next week What a time to start blogging from Rome!

Ecumenism since Vatican II:
Mandate vs Discouragement
Fr Harry Winter OMI
(Blogger from USA)
There is a greater emphasis today on spiritual ecumenism, ecumenism on our knees.  When the unity of Christians reaches the point where we can concelebrate the Lord’s Supper together, it will be because the Holy Spirit has taught us when to kneel and when to run.  It would seem there is much more kneeling involved than running.

Vatican  II  Reflection 06
"Your eyes are doves" says the Song of Songs. That doesn't mean feathers under the eyebrows

Every Thursday, Daniel Daring's reflection on the Sunday readings,  to help us prepare for Sunday:
This week - Lent 2(C):
 Transfiguration should give us  sure hope, to trust that sufferings do not have the last word.

A responsible response 
to the climate change threat

 I believe
Jesus would be leading the way to save Mother Earth if his  ministry was in 21st Century

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 21
Augustine's searching words
"By the Rivers of Babylon"
Powerful wind at conclave?!
"One Day at a Time"
Please add a comment!
See Feb 19 comments

John W - Blog - Feb 21
Best bet for help!

 Friday February 22 

The next pope - what to consider "Bahkita"
(Friday Africa blogger)
What we should be praying for is for a leader who will unite the Church and give the Church direction in accordance with the Lord’s word. What is important is that the dignity and the glory of the Church be restored through good leadership

Benedict  has left the Church
at a fork in the road
David Timbs (CathBlog)
It is not hyperbole to suggest that it is time for choice between a future of hopefulness or despondency. The difference between the two is great

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 22
Belly like a sack of wheat!
Every day Thanksgiving Day
Cardinals to see visions?
P r a c t i c e !
Please add a comment!
See Feb 20 seven comments

A powerful DVD about Sophie Scholl who died on this day in 1943

Australia abuse crisis:
Open letter to lay Catholics

Stifling or releasing the Spirit?
Use internet to choose pope!

Social aspect of human work
Joseph Girzone

Fridays of Lent:   Stations
The Iona Passion Play Stations

Vatican II  Reflection 07
Most Christians have never read it?

John W - Blog - Feb 22
Refugees in Hong Kong

 Saturday February 23 

Interpreting Vatican II Today:
The Question of Continuity

Bishop Peter Elliott
Imposing a political spectrum on the Church of Jesus Christ is wrong. This mistaken approach has reduced the interpretation and application of the Council to secular political positions
(Bp Peter and I were ordained together 40 years ago this week, about which we have been in happy contact. I invited him to post something on this website and he has kindly recommended above Kairos article, already on internet - jw)

Tablet Papal Audit: we need a pope willing to live in the world we live in

Tablet Letters Extra: 
See post by Margaret Callinan

A Retirement
Judith Lynch
Maybe Pope Benedict’s resignation will be the catalyst for a few other traditions to bite the dust

 Reading  Reflection  Prayer
- with readers' comments
Menu for today Feb 23
"Like a Seal on Your Heart"
"Can't Buy Me Love"!
Mountain view of future
Poured out Spirit
 Jesus the law-breaker
Please add a comment!
See Feb 21 comments

UK bishops want next pope to reform Church governance

Vatican II Reflection 08
What's another name for 
The New Testament?

John W - Blog - Feb 23
Will Holy Spirit have a vote at conclave?  c.f. 2005...

Many thanks for checking
 this website each day



February 28, 2013:
Pope Benedict to resign

May 12
World Communications Day

Come Holy Spirit !


Please encourage more people to see 1-10  re Bishop Bill Morris:
1: Judge's conclusions
2: Canon lawyer's report
3: Radio interview with judge

4:  "The Age" file of letters
5: Summary re Rome
 6: Frank Brennan's update
7: ABC radio Fr Frank Brennan

8. Update from Frank Brennan

9. Vatileaks & Bp Bill Morris

10: Tablet letter - Frank Brennan

After reading 1-10, check the "Pravda" report of CNA

Google "Morris" at top of this page
for many articles re Bishop BM


Bp Pat Power
Bp Geoff Robinson
Bruce Duncan
Catalyst for Renewal
Catholics for Ministry  
Catholics for Renewal
Frank Brennan
Peter Johnstone     
The Swag

      Bloggers' archives - current bloggers without ( )

Bakhita   (Hazel C)   Daniel Daring  Inigo Joachim (Brian Lewis)  (Judith Lynch)   Martin Mallon  Chris McDonnell   (Bill Mulcahy
Des O'Donnell)   
(David Timbs)  (Peter Wilkinson)   Harry Winter   John Wotherspoon

Other Archives



16 Documents of V2 
We Are Church
VII - Voice of the Church

Catholic Priests Ireland

Donald Cozzens
Misguided Missal
Too Western/European

Fr Hans Küng:      Letter to bishops    Revolution to stop authoritarianism 
Fr Joseph Ratzinger:  Writings on Vat II          Robert Mickens: Vatican Implosion
Nicholas Lash:     Vatican II: Of Happy Memory - and Hope?
Robert McNally: Crisis & Criticism in the Church 
Ron Schmit:  1962 Mass a condemnation of Vat II

The new translation of the Mass
A ghastly process and a ghastly result

Excellent articles on Mission
by Fr Hugh McMahon SSC

Same-sex marriage and anal sex

Priests say 9 Masses a day - need to ordain married men

The evil of compulsory celibacy

The link between compulsory celibacy and sexual abuse

Why are women not being ordained to priesthood?

To publish an article on this site  please contact 
Fr John Wotherspoon:   jdwomi@gmail.com  
       Taking a stand      Next pope: load of rubbish
Navigation Aids        Standing up to bullies
Bible plan 2012             Near Death Experiences
John's other site:  www.jesustower.com 




 China Library - essential reading for anyone interested in China's Christian history

This website was launched  in construction mode in Hong Kong on November 20, 2011   - the Feast of Christ the King.
The official launching  was held on the Gold Coast, Australia,  on January 20, 2012   
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