Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From            Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life             Chinese text

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R-R-P  Reading - Reflection - Prayer   Jan 14, 2013 
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Proverbs 1

If you listen to these sayings, you will acquire wisdom.
These sayings will help you develop virtue, justice and fairness.

Be careful of bad people who try to mislead you.
A net is spread in vain if the bird is watching.

Wisdom calls aloud in the streets.
She delivers her message at the city gates:

"How much longer will you prefer ignorance to knowledge?
The complacency of fools works their own ruin.

But whoever listens to me will live in safety.
Whoever listens to me will choose good and avoid evil."

"Prefer ignorance to knowledge": junk food, junk entertainment, junk reading
...we humans have to fight against the "junk magnet" in our DNA.  
We have to be constantly making a decision to choose good food, good entertainment, good reading.  May our readings from Proverbs over the coming days give us a bit more wisdom to make good choices in our daily lives 

Prayer: Dear God, please give us more wisdom, wisdom to choose good and avoid junk

Reading:  Psalm 104

Bless the Lord, my soul!
Lord God, how great you are.

You make the clouds your chariot.
You walk on the wings of the wind.

You make springs gush forth in the valleys.
They give drink to all the animals of the field.

You make grass grow for the cattle
and plants to provide food for people.

You give us  wine, to cheer our hearts
and oil to make our faces shine.

You made the moon to mark the months.
The sun knows the time for its setting.

How many are your works, O Lord.
In wisdom you have made them all.

The earth is full of your riches
and the sea is swarming with life.

All things, great and small, look to you for food.
You open your hand, they have their fill.

You send forth your spirit, and life is created.
You renew the face of the earth.

I will sing to the Lord all my life.
May my thoughts be pleasing to him.

One wise choice we can make, even if we live in a noisy, busy city:  
make a decision to notice flowers, trees, gardens as we pass them; notice the sounds of birds.  
After a while our noticing will become automatic
....and each sight of a lovely flower, each sound of a bird, will be picked up by our senses
...and give a little thrill of joy to our hearts
...which can lead on to a prayer to the One responsible for birds and flowers 

Prayer:  Lord, please help us more often notice the beauty of creation, and praise you for it

Reading:  Revelation 2

He gave me this message for the church in Smyrna:

"I know the trials you have been through, and how poor you are,
and the slanderous attacks that have been made on you.

Do not be afraid of suffering, afraid of prison.
Even if you have to die, keep faithful,
and I will give you the prize of eternal life"

The Book of Revelation was written to encourage people who were being persecuted by the Roman authorities. Today around the world, many Christians are being persecuted. May the words of the Book of Revelation give them strength and courage and wisdom .....and also encourage us when we meet a little bit of ridicule etc for trying to uphold Jesus' values

Prayer: Jesus, help us stay faithful when we experience trials and suffering

Reading:  John 15

At the meal, Jesus said to his disciples "I am the true vine,
and my Father is the gardener. 
Each branch in me that bears no fruit, he cuts off.
Each branch that does bear fruit, he prunes to make it bear even more fruit

As a branch cannot bear fruit by itself, but must remain part of the vine,
so you can't  bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Cut off from me, you can do nothing

If you remain in me, and my words are alive in your heart,
you can ask for any good thing and you will get it

It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit"

"Remaining part of the vine", "remaining in me" mean Jesus' words "are alive in our hearts",
meaning we make the wise decision each day to give some time to Jesus' words by prayer and Bible reading

Prayer: Jesus, please help us stay close to you. Help us bear much  fruit

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