Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life             Chinese text

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 Reading - Reflection - Prayer   Jan 19, 2013 
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Proverbs 7-8

To Wisdom say "My sister".
Call Perception your dearest friend.

Wisdom says:
"The Lord created me before time began.
I was by his side, delighting him day after day.

Happy those who keep my ways.
Happy those who listen to me.

Whoever finds me finds life.
I am more precious than silver or gold."

I know many people in prison who wish they had been better friends with Wisdom when they were younger. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness, and foolishness can afflict us from earliest days to old in the saying "there's no fool like an old fool"!   We need to keep on praying for Wisdom right through our lives

Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me to be a friend of Wisdom all my days

Reading:  Psalms 109-110

O God whom I praise, do not be silent,
for people are bombarding me with  words of hate.

They speak to me with lying tongues
and attack me without cause.

They repay me evil for good.
While I pray for them,  they show me hatred.

I have become an object of scorn.
Help me, Lord my God.

When people send words of hate in our direction, let's do what Jesus on the Cross did: 
send words of forgiveness in the direction of Heaven. 

Prayer:  Lord, when people are unkind to me, 
please give me the grace to pray for them

Reading:  Revelation 3

He gave me this message for the church in Laodicea:

"You are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other.
But since you are lukewarm, you are cutting yourself off from me

You are rich in this word's goods, but you are spiritually poor

Listen to this message and repent"

Teachers are happy when they have enthusiastic students.
Nothing breaks a teacher's heart more than students who are only half-hearted, lukewarm, about their studies 

Prayer: Jesus, please don't ever let me become a lukewarm Christian

Reading:  John 18

After their Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples went to a garden near the Kedron valley

Judas knew they would be there, since they had often gathered there.
Judas led the police and soldiers there to arrest Jesus

Jesus said to Judas' group "Who are you looking for?" They replied "Jesus the Nazarene".  Jesus said "I am the one you are looking for. Let these other men go free"

The group then arrested Jesus and bound him. They took him to the religious leaders

Getting arrested and being held in detention, even for a few hours, is not a very nice experience. Happened to me in China in November 2008. Most unpleasant....especially if, as in Jesus' case, you know you're going to be executed the next day. Must have been frightening. Chilling.

Prayer: Jesus, please bless everyone who is arrested today, in every country

Please feel free to add  insights and prayers in the comment box below 



Psalms 109-110 The word of hate I had a story long long time ago, but it was always a fresh memory in my mind. One of my colleagues always hurt me and we were enemies more than colleagues relationship. One day a friend invited me to his new church. After Church I went home lying on my bed it was three oclock afternoon I was thinking of the church, the new friends in the church .. suddenly I thought of my colleague and a very very strange feeling: I feel that she is a lovely girl instead of a gossip colleagues. I forgive all the things that she has hurt me. I am full of joy in my heart, that kind of happiness more than I bought a lovely present for myself at 90% discount big sales.
After that I always remind myself not to hate others and forgive them even someone unkind to me. I always passed this experience to people who were unhappy or dislike someone because of human relationship. I told them: Its hard to tell you the joy in my heart but you can try to forgive someone and will get an amazing result. God lives in our heart, God wants us love everyone not hate in our heart.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness.
Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Dear God, please help me be a person of encouragement for others. Amen

Kevin Walters

Nothing breaks a teacher's heart more than students who are only half-hearted, lukewarm, about their studies
Authority commands dutiful respect but so does love in gentle dress and loyalty is its constant guest. Blessed is the Sheppard that loves his flock.
In Christ


Wisdom says:
"The Lord created me before time began.
I was by his side, delighting him day after day."

Dear Lord, please grant us all wisdom so that we too may delight you "day after day."

Stephen K

May words of harshness or judgmentalism or argumentativeness be struck from my mouth before they are uttered! May I never forget that Jesus was meek and humble of heart.


Let us pray for all those stopped and maybe arrested. It could be because of their colour, their appearance and even because they have committed a crime. May the authorities treat them properly and respect their humanity and may they know that the Lord is walking alongside them. If they need to change it is the Lord who will help them to do this. Lord have mercy on them, and on us, always.


Dear Lord,
You created the Universe and all that is in it, including us humans. You are our loving Father and our Light, and you are present in each and every one of us. You know all our actions, thoughts and inner feelings in our day-to-day activities and lives. There is nothing we can hide from you.
Whichever country or background we come from, I pray that we always faithfully believe in you, and that in all our actions, may we always demonstrate unconditional love and loyalty to others and to you. If others do wrongdoing to us or hurt us, may we always forgive them, just like you forgive us of our sins through our admittance and repentance.
As your children, let us Christians never be lukewarm in our faith and love for you, and let us always remember your unconditional love for us and great power over us. Through our love for you and fear of you, we pray that you may help us to grow in spirit, and to lead a Christian life that you are pleased with.
Please help me remember to always put others before myself, to help those in need and demonstrate unconditional love in my acts towards others, and to forgive those who doing wrongdoing against me. Also, through my frequent reading and learning of the Scriptures, please help me to continue to grow in spirit, so that through my faith and actions, I may become closer to you.
Thank you Lord, for your unconditional love and for all that you have given me.

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