Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life     Chinese text

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 Reading - Reflection - Prayer   Jan 31, 2013 
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Proverbs 18

Foolish people  are not interested in reflection,
but only in airing their own opinion.

The human heart is haughty until disaster strikes.
Humility goes before honor.

Don't reply to someone until you've listened to their views.
Be slow to interrupt someone who is speaking.

How many times each day do we interrupt someone who is speaking?
Sometimes it might be necessary to interrupt someone
e.g. someone who is "long-winded".
But usually we should let people finish making a point before we start speaking.

Lord, please help me to be a good listener....and help me avoid interrupting people


Reading: Psalm 119

They are happy who follow God's word,
those who seek God with all their hearts.

How can young people avoid evil?
By seeking you and obeying you, Lord.

Open my eyes, Lord, 
that I may understand the beauty of your word.

Lord, when I'm worried or  in trouble,
your word revives me and gives me strength.

Lord, keep my eyes from what is false.
Bend my heart to your word and not to love of gain.

The word from your mouth means more to me
than silver and gold.

The unfolding of your word gives light
and teaches simple people.

When we're "rattled", confused, "can't get going", "going round in circles"
....give a few minutes to Bible reading and notice the change:
God's word gives us energy, peace, strength and hope

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your word which gives peace to our hearts

Reading:  Revelation 12

I saw an angel flying high in the sky,  sent to announce
the Good News of eternity to every nation, race, language and tribe

He was calling: "Honor God and praise him.
Worship the maker of heaven and earth and sea.
The time has come for him to judge the world"

A voice from heaven said to me
 "Happy are those who are the Lord's friends when they die. 
Now they can rejoice for ever, since their good deeds go with them"

To be God's friends when we die. Nothing is more important than this

Prayer: Jesus, may I live and grow and die in your friendship

Reading:  John 19

Joseph of Arimathea,  a disciple of Jesus, asked Pilate for the body of Jesus.
Pilate agreed and Jesus' body was taken down from the cross

Another man, Nicodemus, brought burial spices. 
He and Joseph wrapped Jesus' body in  linen cloths with the spices

Since the Passover was due to begin at sunset, 
they put the body in an  unused tomb close to  the place of Crucifixion

Dead bodies are not a pretty sight.
Jesus' body, after the scourging and crucifixion, must have looked hideous,
like a badly-mangled and disfigured body after a high-speed road accident.
Yet that same body of Jesus was like a seed going into the ground....about to become a plant

Prayer: Jesus, dead in the tomb, please give eternal life to everyone who dies today

Please feel free to add  insights and prayers in the comment box below 



Psalm 19 :"How can young people avoid evil?
By seeking you and obeying you, Lord." Are beautiful words to every young people. May Holy Spirit comes to all young people to listen and follow.


Reading Psalm 19: I will put my laws in their hearts. And I will write them upon their minds. Heb10:16

Stephen K

Proverbs 18: An important rule. May I always remember it!


Happy indeed are the Lord's friends when they die. And death can happen at any moment so we should always be ready. We know not the time nor the hour. Living our lives in daily expectancy of death can shape the way we live, the way we treat others, the way we treat ourselves even. Let us pray the Lord will call us home when our faces are turned towards him and when our hearts and minds are focused on him and may we ready then to leave this world and "go back home".

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