Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life     Chinese text

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 Reading - Reflection - Prayer   Feb 4, 2013 
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Proverbs 23-24

If someone invites you for a meal,
be careful not to make a pig of yourself.

Don't waste your breath talking to foolish people.

Make sure your children receive a wholesome discipline.

Don't be a drunkard.
Don't be a glutton.
Avoid prostitution.

Brains are better than brawn.

If you make a big mistake and fall, get up and start again.

Yet again, so much good advice in every line!

Prayer:  Lord, please help me put into practice the ideas in these words


Reading: Psalm 122

I rejoiced when I heard them say
"Let us go to God's house."

And now our feet are standing 
within your gates, O Jerusalem.

For the peace of Jerusalem pray
"Peace be to your homes."

For love of the house of the Lord
I will ask for your good.

"Jerusalem" can mean the city in Israel. It can mean the Church. It can mean an individual church. It can mean any special group of believers. It can mean Mary, the mother of Jesus. It can mean Heaven. 

Prayer: Lord, may your Heavenly Jerusalem peace be in our hearts and homes...and on all "Jerusalems" of this earth

Reading:  Revelation 18

I saw another angel, shouting at the top of his voice:
"Babylon has fallen, Babylon the Great has fallen.
Gone for ever, never to return, is your life of magnificence and ease"

Another voice spoke from heaven:
"Come out, my people, away from Babylon,
so that you do not experience her punishment"

The opposite of "Jerusalem" is "Babylon".  "Babylon" can mean every evil place, building, group this life...and Hell

Prayer: Jesus, please help us not be contaminated by Babylon values

Reading:  John 20

Peter and John went home. Mary Magdalene remained at the tomb, crying. 
When she looked inside the tomb, she saw two angels in white. 
She also saw Jesus standing there, though she did not recognize him

Jesus said "Woman, why are you crying?". 
Mary thought he was the gardener so she said to him "If you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him"

Jesus said "Mary" and she recognized him. Jesus then said "I will ascend to my Father"

Mary went and told the disciples all she had seen and heard

Jesus' presence changes Mary's tears to joy.
Jesus' presence brings peace to every troubled heart/situation

Prayer: Jesus, please bless people who are crying at funerals  today.
May awareness of your presence bring them peace and strength for the days ahead

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