Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life     Chinese text

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 Reading - Reflection - Prayer   March 22, 2013 
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Sirach 44-50

It is good to remember the famous people in history
who had a special love for God.

Remembering their faith and their love for God
will give us courage for our daily lives.

They were human and made mistakes,
yet they persevered in serving the Lord.

People like Abraham, Moses, David.
Let us try to imitate their faith and courage.

It's good for us to see movies about courageous Gandhi, or A Man for All Seasons, or Sophie Scholl, or  Romero. "Remembering their faith and love gives us courage for our daily lives"

Prayer: Lord, may there be more movies about courageous give us courage for our daily lives


Psalm 22

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
I call to you for help, but day and night you give no reply.

I am a worm and not a man.
Everyone who sees me makes fun of me.

They taunt  me: "He trusted in the Lord, why doesn't the Lord help him?"

Like water I am poured out, my bones no longer connected.
My throat is parched, my tongue sticks to my jaws.

Many evil people attack me.
They make holes in my hands and my feet.
They await my death.

They divide my clothing among them,
they throw a dice for my robe.

Yet I know Lord, that  you are good and holy.
I know how you heard the cries of our ancestors and you helped them.

It was you who took me from the womb
and entrusted me to my mother's breast.

To you I was committed from my birth,
from my mother's womb you have been my God.

Lord, I trust in you even now.
I trust you will not scorn my prayer.

Even now I praise you as my Creator.
May all the nations know and worship you.

Holy Week coming....will use this many things in this psalm apply to Jesus.
And Jesus is with anyone who is going through the sort of suffering described in this psalm

Prayer: Lord, please help people who are Psalm 22 type situations
to remember that you are with them

Reading:  Acts 11

Some believers went to Antioch in Syria where they preached the Good News of the Lord Jesus
to non-Jewish people. Many non-Jewish people became believers

Barnabas, a good man filled with the Holy Spirit, was sent to Antioch in Syria
to encourage the new believers to remain faithful to the Lord

Barnabas brought Saul from Tarsus to Antioch.
They stayed in Antioch about one year, instructing a large number of people

It was at Antioch that the believers were first called "Christians"

An interesting article
about the name "Christian".  Good to remember that Catholics are Christians!
Maybe obvious in most parts of world, but in Asia, unfortunately, the idea is falsely propagated that Catholics are Catholics and Protestants/Evangelicals are Christians  (an idea supported by Chinese translations of "Catholic" and "Protestant")

Jesus, please help me be a good Christian!

Reading:  Matthew 14

Once after Jesus had been healing and teaching many people all afternoon,  his disciples said to him
"It's getting late and the people need to go and eat".

Jesus replied "They don't need to go. You feed them".
The disciples replied "We have only 5 loaves and 2 fish".

Jesus got the people to sit on the grass.
There were about 20,000 of them.
Then he blessed the loaves and fish.

He handed the loaves and fish to his disciples.
His disciples gave them to the crowd.

Everyone had plenty to eat.
They even had 12 baskets of leftovers.

A beautiful true loaves and fish story

Prayer: Jesus, may the Church under Pope Francis do more to help the starving peoples of the world

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