Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life     Chinese text

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 Reading - Reflection - Prayer   April 13, 2013 
With readers' comments, below                 

Reading:  Isaiah 6

In the year 740 B.C.,
Isaiah had a vision of the Lord God in Heaven:

Above the Lord were 6 angels who cried out
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God.
His glory fills the whole earth."

Then I heard a voice asking
"Whom shall I send? Who will be our messenger?"

I answered "Here I am, send me."

Then the Lord sent me to be a prophet to the people

Every Christian is a messenger of God's love. 
Every Christians must try to be a better and better messenger 

Prayer: Here I am, Lord, send me. Please help me be a better messenger of your love


Psalm 31

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in distress.
My eyes are full of tears, my heart full of sorrow.

Everyone makes fun of me. My friends don't want to know me.
Save me, Lord, from this mess.

I praise you Lord, for you protect those who trust you.
You keep them safe from slander and lies.

Be strong, let your heart take courage,
all you who  trust in the Lord

Just a few hours before typing this, I read how in late 1598, in Beijing,
at the time of war with Japan in Korea...a time of anti-foreign sentiment in Beijing, 
"so nervous did many officials become about being associated with foreigners, 
that some old friends, and others to whom Ricci had letters of introduction, 
did not want to be publicly associated with him"  (Andrew Ross, 
A Vision Betrayed  - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742 - p. 133)

Prayer: Jesus, when people don't want to know me, please increase my trust in you

Reading:  Acts 14

In Lycaonia, there was a man who had never walked in his life, 
because his feet were crippled from birth

As he listened to Paul preaching, Paul noticed him and saw that he had the faith to be cured

Paul said in a loud voice "Get to your feet! Stand up!"
The crippled man jumped up and began to walk

The local people thought that Paul and Barnabas must be gods, 
so Paul said to them "We are only human beings like you. 
We have come with Good News to help you turn from empty idols to the living God who made heaven and earth.
It is he who sends you rain and who makes your crops grow"

Once again, we notice a link between faith and healing.
There's not always such a link, but usually there is in the Bible

Jesus,  please give sick people "the faith to be cured"

Reading:  Matthew 16

One day Jesus asked his disciples
"Who do people say the Son of Man is?"

The disciples replied
"Some people say you are one of the famous prophets".

Jesus then asked them
"And what about you. Who do you say I am?"

Peter answered
"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God".

Jesus then said to Peter
"Blessed are you, for my Father in heaven has revealed this to you.

So I now say to you:
you are Peter ('the rock') and on this rock I will build my church.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom."

To every person, especially to every Christian, Jesus says "Who do you say I am?"
To work out our answer, we just need to ask: how important is Jesus in my life?
If I really believe Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the living God",
he will be totally important in my life

Jesus, with Peter I say "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God"!

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