Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God      Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel       From         Previous R-R-P 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today.                     
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, compassion, courage and peace for my daily life     Chinese text

Please feel free to add  insights and prayers in the comment box below. 

 Reading - Reflection - Prayer   June 17, 2013 
With readers' comments, below  

  Reading:  Jeremiah 37-45

Jeremiah was arrested and put into a muddy well to die.
But a good official persuaded the king to free Jeremiah.

When the Chaldaeans captured Jersusalem,
they sent many people to Babylon as exiles.

Jeremiah was spared from exile
and he kept trying to get the people to accept defeat as God had told them.

But most of the people would not listen to Jeremiah,
even though all his prophecies about defeat had come true.

God protected the good officials who had helped Jeremiah

Reflection: Even after they tried to kill him, Jeremiah continued to speak God's message.
He didn't give up.  

Lord, please help me not to give up when life gets difficult



   Reading:  Psalm 99

The Lord is king.  He is great in Sion.
His power is seen throughout the world.

Among his priests were Aaron, Moses and Samuel.
They prayed to the Lord and he answered their call.

Let peoples everywhere praise his name.
He is holy, full of power.

Some people say God does not "interfere" in the world.
But our own experience provides many examples of God's Providence and care in our lives many "co-incidences" etc
..which is why we, like Aaron, Moses and Samuel, can pray...and God will answer our call

Prayer:  Lord, may all peoples know and love you ...and pray to you for help


Reading:  Romans 1

Everyone needs the Good News, especially people who put truth in prison

Ever since the world began, people could know God by seeing the wonders of creation.
But even though they saw the beauty of creation, they refused to honor the Creator

They replaced honor for God with honor for images of men and beasts.
They worshipped a god they made instead of God who made them

Once a person or group or nation replaces God with someone/something else
.....all sorts of problems can be expected 

Jesus, may the beauty of creation help people know you and your Father and the Holy Spirit


Reading: Mark 2    mk2.01.jpg (304829 bytes)  (clink to enlarge)

After some time Jesus returned to Capernaum.
Crowds quickly gathered at the house where he was staying.

While he was preaching inside the house,
four men carried a paralytic on a stretcher to the front door.

They couldn't get in, because of the crowd, so they went up on the roof, took off some of the roof covering, and lowered the stretcher in front of Jesus.

Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic "Your sins are forgiven". Some religious leaders present in the crowd  thought to themselves "Who does this man think he is? Only God can forgive sins".

Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he asked them "Which is easier? To say 'Your sins are forgiven' or 'Get up and walk'?

But to show you that I have authority to forgive sins I now say
get up, pick up your stretcher and go home."

The man got up, picked up his stretcher and walked out in front of everyone. The crowd said "We have never seen anything like this".

"Seeing their faith" as elsewhere, a link between faith and healing. 
Not always a link, but usually a link

Prayer: Jesus, please heal my friend.....(name)....who is a paralytic

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