2013-08-15  Bible Blog


Thursday August 15

Solemnity of the Assumption
A public holiday in c.20 countries
...and in Heaven!

As women continue their struggle
 for justice and equality with men
 in society and in the Church, 
may Mary's Assumption
give hope, wisdom and courage 
to women and men
 as we try to imitate her example
 in living out the values of her Son

Today's Bible Readings for the Assumption (scroll down..)

The Gospel: The Visitation and Magnificat
: The gospel today reminds us of what we might call "God's spirituality":
 a spirituality which turns the conventional values
 of the world upside-down:

  • Although Mary is pregnant herself, she journeys to be with her cousin in her pregnancy; she looks and acts beyond her own small perspective.
  • She praises a God who is concerned with the poor,
    who raises up the lowly.
  • She proclaims a God who does not have a preference
    for the proud or rich.
  • She rejoices in a God who does not focus on the power
    of the mighty.
  • She centers herself in a God who focuses on mercy and compassion.

    - from John Bucki SJ:
    Education for justice Assumption reflection

Mary of Guadalupe
Many people see in this picture 
the Woman of today's first reading at Mass:
dressed in the sun, standing on the moon, crowned with stars

Daniel Daring:
Assumption: Disobedient Mary!  It seems that the real Hebrew meaning of the name Miriam is "to be rebellious, disobedient".  When we listen attentively to her Magnificat, we can sense how she rebels against the unjust world she lived in

John W August 15 Assumption Reflection: Vatican II encourages a healthy love for the mother of Jesus. In our spiritual DNA, there's something about Mary that moves our hearts on August 15. May this reflection be an encouragement to people who might be influenced to doubt the beautiful importance of Mary in God's plan and in our lives