Computer Cud    Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day, 
 'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God  

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel             
From              Previous Bible Blogs 

O Holy Spirit, may these passages give us hope, wisdom, compassion,
courage and peace for our daily life
             Chinese text

 Bible Blog   November 14, 2013     Comments welcome here

  Reading:  Exodus 37, 38

The skilled workers next made the ark,
then the table for the bread offerings,
then the lamp-stand and the altar of incense.

Next they made the altar of sacrifice,
the bronze basin and the courtyard with its special curtains.

Some people are good at making things, some are good at gardening,
some are good at music, some are good at sport, some are good at business, some are good at nursing/teaching/social work ....everyone is good at something!

Dear God, please help me use the talents you have given me


Reading: Psalm 96

O sing a new song to the Lord.
Sing to the Lord, all the earth.
O sing to the Lord, bless his name.

Proclaim his help day by day.
Tell among the nations his glory,
and his wonders among all the peoples.

It was the Lord who made the heavens.
Give the Lord, you families of peoples,
give the Lord glory and honor.

Bring an offering and enter his temple.
Worship the Lord in his sacred place.

Let the heavens rejoice and earth be glad.
Let the sea and all within it thunder praise.

Let the land and all it bears rejoice,
all the trees of the forest shout for joy.

Everyone and everything,
give the Lord glory and honor.

We praise and admire artists/writers/poets/musicians for their beautiful work.
How much more we should admire and praise the Artist of heaven and earth...and ourselves

Prayer: Lord, you are our Creator. We love and praise you. You are good at creating!


Reading:  Colossians 3

You are God's special friends. He loves you.
You should be clothed in sincere compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience

Allow for other's weaknesses. Forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you. You must forgive others

Over all these clothes, to keep them together and to complete them, put on love

Everyone is good at something.
All Christians should be good at ....loving....that's the main thing by which people will know that we are Jesus' followers

Prayer: Jesus,  help me be a more loving Christian


Reading:  Luke 10

To test Jesus, a religious leader asked him in public "Master, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Jesus replied "What does the Law say?"

He replied "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, 
and you must care for others as much as you care about yourself"

"You are correct", said Jesus, "do this and life is yours"

All peoples, every human,  should be good at loving ....because that's what we're here for!
Jesus,  help me to love you with all my heart....and to care for others as much as I care about myself