Computer Cud      Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day, 
 'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God  

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel             
From              Previous Bible Blogs

O Holy Spirit, may these passages give us hope, wisdom, compassion,
courage and peace for our daily life
             Chinese text

 Bible Blog   Jan 18, 2014   Comments welcome here

  Reading:  Deuteronomy 6

Moses continued his speech to the people:

"Listen Israel. You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.

Let these words I urge on you today
be written on your heart.

You shall repeat them to your children and say them
when you are resting in your house or going for a walk,
when you are lying down and when you get up.

You shall fasten them on your hand as a sign
and on your forehead as a circlet.

You shall write them on the doorposts of your house
and on your gates

No matter how young or old we are, no matter how rich or poor, no matter sick or healthy, no matter how much good or bad we might have done .....the most important thing for our lives is love our Creator with all our heart

Prayer:  Dear Lord, please help us to love you with all our hearts


Reading: Psalms  140-143

Lord, save me from people who do evil,
you who do justice for the needy.

I have no way out of this situation.
And no one wants to help me.

Lord, I beg you tonight to make haste and give me an answer,
for my spirit fails within me.

In the morning let me know your love
for I put my trust in you.

The bigger our problems, the more we need to trust God well as do everything we can/should do from a human point of view.   Easier said than done.
Easy to trust God when life is going smoothly.
Not so easy to trust God when we are in big trouble

Prayer: Lord, please help people who are in big increase their trust in you


Reading:  Titus 1

It's your job to preach the behavior that goes with sound doctrine:

the older men should be reserved, dignified, moderate, sound in faith and love

The older women should be teachers of good behavior, avoiding scandalmongering and too much wine. They should be an example to the younger women in their love for their husbands and children

Younger men should be moderate, with yourself setting an example of sincerity for them

Slaves should be obedient to their masters, and avoid petty thieving

Paul's comments show he was no academic out of touch with real life.  He knew his sheep and the practical day-to-day problems they faced

  Jesus, please
help me be a good person, a good Christian


Reading:  Luke 23

When they reached the place called The Skull, they crucified Jesus there, and the two criminals also, one on his right, the other on his left

Above his head was placed a sign  "This is the King of the Jews"

Jesus prayed "Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing"

The leaders made fun of him "He saved others, let him save himself if he is the Christ of God"

The soldiers mocked him too "If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself"

Jesus' words of forgiveness can powerfully affect us, and help us forgive others in the movie Ben Hur: after BH heard Jesus' words of forgiveness on the Cross, he stopped being angry and unforgiving, and said "I felt his voice take the sword out of my hand"

Prayer: Jesus, you forgave those who mocked you and crucified you. I forgive anyone who has been unkind to me