Computer Cud      Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day, 
 'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God  

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:  reading + psalm + reading + gospel             
From              Previous Bible Blogs

O Holy Spirit, may these passages give us hope, wisdom, compassion,
courage and peace for our daily life
             Chinese text

 Bible Blog   Jan 27, 2014   Comments welcome here

  Reading:  Deuteronomy 9

Moses continued his speech to the people:

"And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you?

Only this: to love and honor the Lord, to follow all his ways,
to serve him with all your heart and all your soul,
to keep the commandments and laws of the Lord
that for your good I set before you today.

Circumcise your heart and be obstinate no longer.

The Lord your God is great and good.
He it is you must praise, he is your God.

It is he who sees justice done for the orphan and widow,
who loves the stranger and gives him food and clothing.

You too must love the stranger,
for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt."

This passage can be summed up in the words:
"Love God, care for the poor".....reminding us that genuine love of God goes hand in hand with concern for the poor. A person who has no concern for the poor ......probably has very little real love for God

  Dear Lord,  please increase my love for you ....and please increase my concern for the poor


Reading: Psalm  147

Praise the Lord for he is good.
Sing to our God for he is loving. 
To him our praise is due.

The Lord builds up Jerusalem
and brings back Israel's exiles.

He heals the broken-hearted
and binds up all their wounds.

The Lord raises the lowly
and humbles the wicked.

He fixes the number of the stars.
He calls each one by name.

Our Lord is great and almighty.
His wisdom can never be measured.

He covers the heavens with clouds.
He prepares rain for the earth,

making mountains sprout with grass
and with plants to serve our needs.

His delight is not in horses
nor his pleasure in warriors' strength.

The Lord delights in those who love and honor him,
in those who wait for his love.

Many people who have had a "near death experience" describe the overpowering feeling of knowing that they are known and loved by the Creator of the universe. But we don't need to have one foot in the grave to start understanding this wonderful fact

Prayer: God of the universe, please help me think more about your love for me


Reading:  Philomen

From Paul, a prisoner for Christ Jesus, and from our brother Timothy, to our dear fellow worker Philemon and the church that meets in your house. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

I am so happy that your faith and love have given great encouragement to the believers

In Paul's time, Christians met in homes, not in church buildings. 
See this article (scroll down to "The House Church"). Maybe it's time this custom was revived, especially in areas which don't have a church. House churches in China  have been the reason for an enormous growth in the number of "non-Catholic" Christians

Prayer:  Jesus, bless all house church groups and meetings


Reading:  Luke 24

On Sunday morning, at daybreak, the women went to the tomb with the spices they had prepared. They found that the large stone which had been put at the tomb's entrance had been rolled away

They entered the tomb and found that the body of Jesus was not there. Suddenly two men in brilliant clothes appeared at their side

The men said to them "Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here. He has risen, just as he said he would"

The women told all this to the eleven apostles. But the apostles did not believe them

When stones/problems/difficulties are too large for us to roll away or solve, all we can do is keep going in the situation with the hope that God will do the we each day "keep going to the tomb" and keep placing the situation in God's hands

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for rolling away large stones!