2013  Articles  -  April            2013 Index


April 30

Leonardo Boff praises Pope Francis
Francis has brought a "new spring" to the global Church

Women's rights at Jerusalem Wall

Victorian sex abuse inquiry slams Church spokesman's comments

Aged care dirty work done dirt cheap

Organs taken from about to be executed prisoners in China: 
Controversy re transplant doctor

April 29

G8 to go with Pope to Assisi?

R.I.P. Bishop Jin of Shanghai
"I am both a serpent and a dove. The government thinks I'm too close to the Vatican, and the Vatican thinks I'm too close to the government. I'm a slippery fish squashed between government control and Vatican demands."

I had the privilege of meeting Bishop Jin on several occasions...like this one in 1989 and always came away with the feeling "he's a man of the Church" in the best sense  - jw

From:  A Vision Betrayed - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542 -1742 
 by Andrew Ross

p.115:  Was then the Jesuit mission to Japan a failure? Was Christianity rejected by the Japanese people as is so often stated? No, the Jesuit mission was not a failure and the Japanese people did not reject Christianity.

Indeed, one can go further and say that the Jesuit mission to Japan, aided to a degree by the Franciscan mission, was one of the most successful in the history of Christianity. 

p. 119:  The Chinese officials noticed that Michele Ruggieri (on his visits to Canton) knew how to behave in a way that other Europeans did not  (..he understood and observed Chinese protocol..)

p.120: ( Ruggieri was like a John the Baptist in preparing the way for Matteo Ricci)

p.131: (What gained acceptance for Ricci by the Chinese scholars was not the scientific gadgets he had (..clocks etc) but Ricci's understanding of Chinese language and culture)

p. 145: The enormous importance of the printed word for spreading the Good News in China (something well understood by Bishop Jin who set up a huge printing venture in Shanghai)

April 28

Papal Embrace
If it's ok for pope to hug children, what about priests?

Catholics try their hand at old fashioned evangelization

Pope Francis Continues to Build "Poor Church for the Poor"

Mortal Sins

US archbishop's proposal for power-sharing in the Church
c.f. A politburo papacy

Keeping the faith  in times of suffering

How do you know if you are a Catholic?  Graham English

Catholic Identity Peter Wilkinson

Canada attacks "evil" Sri Lanka regime re Commonweatlh meeting 

YouTube: 10 tips for using computer/smartphone/camera

Pope: Vatican Bank change

April 27

Pope Francis and future of  the Vatican Bank

1931 description of Curia  has relevance for 2013

Bangladesh building tragedy
Link between poor building standards and demand for cheap goods 

No 2013 papal visit to Argentina
(but maybe before or after WYD? jw)

Boston marathon bombings:
Cardinal O'Malley's reflections

Church to run prisons?
John W

As a full-time prison chaplain I was particularly interested in the article by Joseph Girzone on yesterday's menu:
An alternative to present prisons

Such thinking reminds me of a hope I've had for some time: that the Church would run prisons! In the US and other places there are private prisons, and the Church does a pretty good job at running schools, hospitals and other services....so, why not prisons?

I just checked Google and found this excellent article Should the Church run a prison? which disagrees with the idea of a church-run prison, with words like these:

There is direct contradiction between the most basic, central goals of the church, and the purposes the NSW Government has for prisons.

The basic purpose of the prison system, punishment, is contrary to the goals of the church. 

It is not appropriate for the church to have power over people in the way required by the prison system, whether it be confining people within prison walls, or administering security procedures such as preventing escapes, dealing with confrontation, limiting property, and searching people and cells.

 The role of the prison system within the social, economic, political and legal context means that the church, in taking on the role of prison management, would be taking responsibility for confining many people whom it believes should not be in prison. That is, the church would be participating in an unjust system.

Rather than incarcerating people under an unjust system, it would be more appropriate for the church to support initiatives to reduce the prison population, to develop innovative alternatives to prison, and to advocate justice in the definition and prosecution of crime, and in sentencing practices.

That is, the church has to choose  between becoming part of the system and participating in injustice, or working for radical change.

What do readers think?  Comments welcome here

April 26

Anzac Day:

Record crowds attend services in Australia  This is a most encouraging  development and indicates a deepening appreciation of important values   jw

Catholica comments:  01  02


Two recent posts by Joseph Girzone:

An alternative to present prisons
The present setup where they just sit around in their cells is ridiculous, and a total waste of money and talent.

And then the Judgment
As we get older it is natural to wonder when God is going to take us home, even though, hopefully we may have many more years before that time comes

April 25

Anzac Day story:
Fr Ted and the cross he should bear

Getting personal with Anzac Day Philip Harvey (Eureka Street)

Today, Anzac Day, a good day to re-read Bishop Pat Power's 2003 call for peace, when George Bush was in Australia

Pope has called for the Church to "go out, reach out" even though this might involve "accidents". “I prefer a thousand times over a Church of accidents than a sick Church”. 
Searching for a new maturity  by Ron Rolheiser addresses this subject: 

"We lack the maturity to walk amidst the temptations, distractions, and comforts offered by the world without either losing ourselves in them, selling out our message, or unhealthily withdrawing into safe enclaves to huddle in fear, against the world, protected from it, but at the cost of denigrating its goodness, energy, & zest"

Cardinal George Pell - interview re Pope 
"He's got mud on his boots"

Pope's talk April 24 to 70,000

Signs of the Papal Times - an Assessment of the New Papacy
Paul Collins

Church withdraws subpoena  to Obama on birth control
Reader: Maybe it's just that it has finally dawned on the hierarchy that about ninety five percent or more of adult Catholics have long rejected the teaching on artificial birth control and do not regard Humanae Vitae as morally binding upon their consciences. This teaching, above all else, has probably caused the greatest crisis of credibility for the Catholic hierarchy equal with the scandal of clerical sexual abuse of children

Gunmen abduct 2 bishops in Syria

Ex-bishop's widow believes Francis will make celibacy optional

 Kevin Spinale, S.J., talks with Peter Eisner, author of The Pope’s Last Crusade: How an American Jesuit Helped Pope Pius XI's Campaign to Stop Hitler.    Listen to the interview here.

YouTube: Cardinal Bergoglio at 2011 stadium Mass - may such joyful celebrations become more common.  

April 24

Pope "unblocks" Romero beatification

Autistic girl uses computer  to communicate  (YouTube)

Unvested servers at Pope's Mass

Climate change: Look to Bolivia for inspiration

In yesterday's homily, Pope Francis returned to an image that he often uses when he wants to suggest the unmistakable dynamics of the Christian life: that of the community of the Japanese baptized, which, in the seventeenth century, after the expulsion of foreign missionaries, was left without priests for more than two hundred years. "When, after this time, other missionaries returned again" said Francis "they found all the communities still in their place: all baptized, all catechized, all married in Church, and those who were dead, all buried in a Christian way. There is no priest ... Who did this? The baptized!"

In the last few years, the whole pastoral in Buenos Aires was reconfigured to facilitate access to baptism and other sacraments for all, avoiding Pharisee-isms and demands for spiritual or moral pre-requisites not included in canon law. 

In a handbook on baptism published by the Archdiocese when it was led by the Cardinal, Bergoglio reiterated very clearly that "baptism cannot be denied to children of single mothers, of couples united by only civil union, to the children of divorced people now involved in a new union, or of people now distant from the practice of Christian life".  - from this report

April 23

As Pope Francis calls us to be a Church for the poor, the example of Frederick Ozanam stands out:

YouTube video of his life

Quotes from Frederick Ozanam

A summary of his life

Article in today's HK Ming Pao paper

US bicentenary articles

Call by 99 year old HK champion of the poor re widening poverty gap

Blessed Frederick Ozanam,
 pray for us that we may be
 a Church for the poor !

Archbishop (former papal MC): 
Yes to gay civil unions

US show uses former Australian PM John Howard to embarrass gun lobby
- see the Video here

More women  for Vatican jobs

Recently I've been posting quotes from  A Vision Betrayed    - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742, by Andrew Ross ....after a second and more careful reading of this book, first read a few years ago.  Andrew went home to Heaven in 2008. 
Beautiful tribute to Andrew Ross by  University of Edinburgh colleague

April 22

Pope cuts cardinals' "earnings"
In the refectory he sits each time in a different place and at the end of Mass he prays sitting at the back of the chapel
He makes his own coffee and offers it to the Swiss Guards who watch over his room

Pope's words yesterday at ordination ceremony and at usual Sunday address

Is this the most narcissistic  generation we've ever seen?
All schools should have community service programs? jw

Pope has some interesting engagements coming up:

May 18-19: Pentecost gatherings with "Ecclesial Movements"

May 26: First Communion Mass in a parish church.  How will he give Communion?

Book co-authored by Cardinal Bergoglio suggest Pope is a moderate realist

Anyone have any advice re Asperger syndrome ?
(HK family seeking help)

journals.jpg (125788 bytes)

The Journals of Matteo Ricci

Final installment on line: 
The story of Matteo Ricci in Zhaoqing
(pp 127-213)

April 21

Good Shepherd reflection
Joseph Girzone
Humility and meekness among the shepherds will bring the flock together

Evelyn Underhill's classic teaching: the sheep dogs

 The Big Surprises Fr. Marins (South America)
Thoughts about Pope Francis  and the new moment  we are living as Church

The Church is itinerant by nature, she should move in the direction of the outskirt

The current parish has become the arrival end, when it should be a starting point. It suffers from the syndrome of the ghetto

Fr José  has spent his life working with Basic Ecclesial Communities.
Here's his video presentation about BECs

Above articles kindly provided by  Fr Alberto Rossa cmf www.bibleclaret.org 

The English name "Korea" derives from the Goryeo Dynasty
a sensitive topic essential for understanding present China-Korea relations

Pope to open Pius XII files?

Pope: Church meant to be mother, not baby sitter

“A Church that does not go out of itself, sooner or later, sickens from the stale air of closed rooms". 
He acknowledged that in going out the Church runs risks, but “I prefer a thousand times over a Church of accidents than a sick Church”

The Church, the Holy Father observed, typically suffers from being self-referential, only looking to and relying on itself.
This kind of self-centeredness “leads to a routine spirituality and convoluted clericalism” 

April 20

Pope: Church meant to be mother, not baby sitter

What separates a death in Iraq from one in Boston?

Most "No" senators had money from gun lobby

Time to confront Africa's least endearing trait: conflict

Singing for the Anzacs

Catholic martyrs' deaths partly caused by Catholics/Westerners ?

February 6 has the Mass of the Japanese martyrs, Paul Miki and companions. When you read an article like this you feel sorry for the good people being killed by the bad people. But then when you check out the reasons why the bad people acted as they did, you find that the misplaced zeal or unwise actions of Catholics  heavily influenced "the bad people". See these two pages:
2013-04-20ross-74.jpg (673208 bytes) 
from: Andrew Ross A Vision Betrayed   - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742, p74-75   

The same is true of the 86 Chinese martyrs killed in 1900, remembered at Mass on July 9.
Books like this one show that the "bad people"  who killed them were largely motivated by the 
great injustices done to China by Western powers. A taste of what's in the book is in this article which has the words:

"Ketteler brutally attacked a Chinese civilian for no reason, and beat a boy who was with him after taking him to the Legations. Ketteler then murdered the boy by shooting him. In response, Thousands of Chinese Muslim Kansu Braves and Boxers went on a violent riot against the westerners. The braves then  killed Chinese Christians around the legations in revenge for foreign attacks on Chinese"
This is not to take away from the bravery of those who died, just to point out the stupidity of those who partly/largely caused the  deaths ....a lesson still to be learnt by a Vatican which not long ago insensitively arranged canonisations on Oct 1 (National Day) thereby causing fresh  persecution of Chinese Catholics

April 19

A most beautiful story  of forgiveness - woman forgave youth who nearly killed her

Are "New Age" practices compatible with Christianity?

Building a multi-cultural society in Australia
Around 40% of Mass attenders under 65 were born overseas

World Youth Day July 23-28
Safeguarding the environment  will be a major theme

Sex abuse issue update:  Dark Records of Broken Lives

Vatican needs to think like a Chinese to understand China.
c.f. this file (a bit out of date but has useful info)

Every 30 minutes a farmer in India commits suicide. One alleged cause is the activities of the multinational Monsanto.
See this free video: The world according to Monsanto

Dream Team for US presidency: 
a Clinton-Obama ticket!
(as in Hilary & Michelle)


April 18

Details of Cardinal Bergoglio's powerful 4 min  speech to conclave
As Bill Clinton would say: "The poor, stupid"

What awaits all on the other side of the grave?
Catholica posts 

Pope: we have not yet fully put Vatican II into practice

Video report of Pope's April 17 talk

Archbishop's comment on Pope's G8 plan

April 17

Boston Marathon tragedy:
Hopelessness breeds terrorists  Joseph Girzone

Pope warns against  careerism in the Church
“Inconsistency is undermining the Church’s credibility.
One cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one’s life ”

Suckled on lies G. Monbiot
The case for banning advertisements aimed at children is overwhelming

Latest issue of The Good Oil

Did the apostles establish the office of  deaconesses?

China's leaders unwilling to declare assets?


April 16

Pope's Sunday address: Pray for persecuted Christians

Pope's G 8:

Five thoughts  John Allen

Guardian ("most viewed")

Cardinal George Pell?

Austrian Bishops: Keep using "for all", don't use "for many"

Cardinal Bergoglio celebrated Hannukah with Argentine Jews

Commonwealth summit should not be held in Sri Lanka

April 15

Scientists: millions face starvation as world warms

Returning to spiritual basics
Brother Andrew (co-founder of the Brothers of Charity)

Cardinal Kasper: Pope will bring new life  John Thavis

It takes good manners to be grateful to God

Movie review    The book

YouTube interview

Other books by Corrie

 "There's not a pit so deep
 where God is not deeper still"

 "You never know Christ is all you need , until Christ is all you have"

April 14

Pope Francis on "Triumphalism"

Pope selects 8 cardinals as special advisors
(please excuse the triumphalism but see Feb 18 wish for 8 helpers!)

Don't imitate Francis and wash women's feet !
UK liturgy secretary !

Cardinal Kasper: Pope Francis will bring new life 

Rosary beads at deathbed: John W
Yesterday I spent an hour or two at deathbed of 21 year old inmate in a local hospital. Inmate was a Catholic and parents appreciated presence of padre. After the anointing of the sick and parts of the psalms and a few other prayers, I found myself, not for the first time, falling back on my trusty rosary beads. At first praying the normal Rosary, then using short lines from the Gospels ....e.g. for the ten beads of one decade I used the words "Jesus, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life" (repeating it slowly 10 times).  Once again I experienced the consolation, for the dying man and his parents, of the sight of the beads being used 

Saint Oscar Romero

AUD$205 drugs from HK found in carpet cleaner!

Only China can control  North Korea

She did it!   25/25 !


April 13

A Hope: that the Church under Pope Francis will quickly give more attention to the burning issues of our day...issues within the Church and issues in the wider society. 
Wider society issues have been on the back-burner for many years as Catholics fought among themselves over liturgy and other matters. But the Church has something worthwhile to say about wider issues and will be listened to, as  is borne out by the articles below about Pacem in Terris.  John XXIII was offering a practical and wise response to the threat of war in 1962....and he was listened to...and his words helped prevent war.
Now is the time for the Church to speak out again about current threats to the peace and stability of the human family:  the international drug trade, the arms race, increasing unemployment caused by increasing mechanisation, climate change etc.

A humble priest is a credible priest  Bp Malcolm McMahon
The message of humility is a gift that Pope Francis has given to us in a time of crisis for the Church

Obama honours the valour of Fr Emil Kapaun
- surely a case for canonisation

50th Anniversary of "Pacem in Terris" by Pope John XXIII
A pope was giving  much-needed moral leadership
c.f. How Pacem in Terris  prevented war in 1962

Aust sex abuse commission:
The healing God &  100,000 abuse claims?


April 12

A Dream:  that before Nelson Mandela passes to the next life, Barack Obama & Desmund Tutu  will arrange and attend a meeting of African leaders - in South Africa - and in Mandela's presence get the leaders to sign up to deals for peace, justice, economic co-operation, human rights etc . If this doesn't happen soon, maybe it will happen when they all gather for Mandela's funeral. But how much better for it to happen before rather than after!
"The Mandela Africa Plan"

Rubrics and Pope Francis & notice candles/flowers


 Andrew Ross A Vision Betrayed   - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742

p. 41: In the 3 years 1571-74, 58 Jesuits died in India (!)

P.63: extreme shows of anger or high spirits were unacceptable forms of behaviour and were very distressing to Japanese people, since a civilised person always behaved with quiet dignity. . ..Many missionaries behaved in ways which in Japanese eyes made them appear ignorant louts. "We forfeited the respect and esteem of the Japanese, and we remained strangers, to to speak, to the Christians"

Argentina martyrs might be beatified, with Pope's help?

April 11

China-Australia: list of new deals!  and see: Gillard chalks up win

Kenya's slums at tipping point

Afghanistan's first female military helicopter pilot

Don't gossip! - Pope Francis

“When we gossip about others, criticize others- these are everyday things that happen to everyone, including me – these are the temptations of the evil one who does not want the Spirit to come to us and bring about peace and meekness in the Christian community".
He then outlined the correct behavior for a Christian. First, "do not judge anyone" because "the only Judge is the Lord." Then "keep quiet" and if you have something to say, say it to the interested parties, to those "who can remedy the situation," but "not to the entire neighborhood."

April 10

Today is the anniversary of Teilhard de Chardin

 Pope Benedict quotes Teilhard
- undeclared patron saint of Catholic ecology
Toward the end of a reflection upon the Letter to the Romans, in which St. Paul writes that the world itself will one day become a form of living worship, the pope said, "It's the great vision that later Teilhard de Chardin also had: At the end we will have a true cosmic liturgy, where the cosmos becomes a living host"

Maybe Pope Francis will lift 1962  ban on his confrere?

Out of African and on a mission
Reader: short term solution for Church's Eldest Daughter
c.f  Global priest shortages and Indiana priest shortage

Gun control: a pro-life issue Gun control as a 'Pro Life' issue is what many Trad/Conservatives have rejected as they say it 'hijacks' the anti-abortion lobby. Single issue moralisms do not serve the great truth about life issues - Reader

April 9

There have been many inspiring articles about Pope Francis and his love for the poor, but
This article has to be No. 1

Have a coffee and buy one for the needy
"Great idea if welfare agencies could promote it and help manage it. Maybe it could catch on" - reader

An option that's not optional: the preferential option  for the poor

Communion by intinction now being used at Vatican
- see comment 7 here
(Intinction the normal practice in Hong Kong)

"In my personal life I have seen the merciful face of God and his patience many times; and I have also seen in many people the courage to enter into the wounds of Jesus, saying: Lord I am here, accept my poverty, hide my sins in your wounds and wash them with your blood" 

 Pope Francis,  April 7

April 8

Homily of Pope John Paul II March 25, 2000 
in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth, Israel

Pope Francis has begun his appointments to the Curia with a surprise

Pope Francis's vernacular  liturgy Sunday evening  loaded with meaning

New Evangelisation misses point
Joseph Girzone

Climate change:
Extreme weather the norm. UK Summer time begins with -11!

Xavier's life and vision links the Jesuit mission in Japan and China, but it was Valignano who shaped the mission in both those countries and made them a massive challenge to the "Christendom" understanding of Christianity as incarnated in the Portuguese Padroado and the Spanish patronato

 In modern terms he shaped the missions in such a way as to challenge the Eurocentric understanding not only of Christianity but of history and culture

 Andrew Ross A Vision Betrayed  - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742, p. 32

April 7

A comment on the Jesuit Pope

Pope Francis' passion for the  poor inspires me - Caritas CEO

YouTube: Doubting Thomas

pope_world(2).jpg (179634 bytes)pope_ayea.jpg (206274 bytes)
Since you are a good fan of our Argentinian pope, here is some news: We are launching very soon (10 days... hopefully) a booklet in English and also in Chinese. And other books will follow, like: A Year with Francis - The Pope
 (I read all his books in Spanish and selected 500 quotes).
Fr. Alberto Rossa, cmf

The Resurrection - the power of positive thinking or the power of God?  Ron Rolheiser OMI

Pope: continued toughness in sex abuse scandal

April 6

Interview with Pope's sister "He's plenty tough enough"

Mexico's most important website: Blog del Narco 
- reporting the drug situation while media silenced
(see comment from "JohnHu")

What to believe?

Inspiring story of female Buddhist monk

Ross A Vision Betrayed - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742.   c.f. p. 29: 
Xavier's attempt at translation into Japanese was too impetuous. It went wrong because there had not been careful enough preparation.
So Xavier and companions gave up trying to find suitable Japanese phrases, and developed terms that were just modified Latin words.
Thus the heritage that Xavier left was a Westernised terminology that hindered the inculturation of Christianity in Japan. 
(And so the Jesuits in China were encouraged not to make the same mistake...but to find genuine Chinese names for Christian terminology)

April 5

Pope Francis and 8 year old handicapped Dominic

Cardinal Tagle's  humorous talk

Latest newsletter of Christian Healing Ministries
Francis MacNutt
"Has what happened to the disciples at Pentecost happened to you? Are you on fire to share the Gospel?"

Geoff King SJ:  Reflections on illness, suffering & the value of life        Geoff's Blog

Australia sex abuse inquiry: 5,000 submissions expected

Thoughts on Pope Francis' inauguration homily

Full text of Pope's homily

Australian bishop(s) to priests:
Don't use photo of Cardinal Bergoglio washing women's feet

April 4

Today also the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King

Pope talks about Resurrection  and role of women
(at Wed audience April  3) Guardian report

Daily Resurrection Ron Rolheisser OMI
If the resurrection is to have power in our lives, we must give up the illusion of familiarity, because the most common cancer that eats away at our marriages, families, communities, friendships, and simply at the joy we might have in living, is precisely the cancer of familiarity

Aust sex abuse inquiry: Healing broken souls

A smaller purer church Questions from a Ewe

New report re effects of  climate change on Australia

This website's statistics:
March report  (of hits on all pages of the site)
 Average of 165 unique visitors per day. DG! Many thanks to kind readers who check this site each day!

Where readers are from (hits on index page only)
Keep clicking right hand silver bar to find your city/state

April 3

Homily at Chrism Mass Bishop Pat Power
We pray for the grace to read the signs of the times and after the example of Pope Francis to show the face of Jesus to all people

Catholic book honoring 7 Anglican martyrs killed in Oceania

A vision of peace
How John XXIII helped prevent war during  1962 Cuban crisis

Weight of great expectations
Aust sex abuse inquiry update

Lucky Sevens Ron Rolheiser OMI

April 1 joke: Pope & Camino

 Ross A Vision Betrayed - The Jesuits in Japan and China, 1542-1742  p. 4: ...it was only after Buddhism was formally patronised by Prince Shotoku (573-621) that it came to dominate the religious life of the court and the aristocracy ....c.f.r. Constantine's approval
of Christianity in 313 

April 2

For people interested in the ministry of praying for healing:
 Full text here of 
The Miracle and Power of Blessing
Maurice Berquist 

A developing thought:  what to make of people like 'Fr Z"?
It is disturbing to see the junk that is published on websites
like Fr Z's Blog
The growing number and following of such sites is a concern, as are junk comments on mainline websites

What can we do?  As usual: first thing is pray - pray that the warped minds posting on these sites will see the light; pray that such sites will not damage the unity of the Church; pray that bishops will stop ordaining warped minds.

And we can follow the example of Jesus. Right through his ministry he was dogged by warped minds out to trick and trap him. He gave them a piece of his mind from time to time, and let the ordinary people see the hypocrisy of his adversaries. But he didn't stop his ministry and concentrate full-time on the warped minds. He got on with his work and didn't let the warped minds stop him from working. We too must avoid the trap of being distracted by people like Fr Z. 

 Dialogue with such people is near impossible. 
 See David Timbs' excellent summary of such people at 
Pope Francis the Disturber

April 1:

A lovely song:
To believe  - really beautiful.
Sung by a little girl with a very special voice

Pope Francis crashes lunch for priests who serve the poor
- and see the comments....
people returning to church because of Francis!  (parishes in HK also reporting surge in numbers, despite bad weather)

Pope's Easter Vigil homily
Another beautiful address

Pope's Easter message:
Let us be agents of mercy! Let us be surprised by God!

Oblate brother among those recognised by Pope Francis
as "venerable"
- his story: Brother Anthony Kowalczyk

What does it mean that Jesus is risen?

 It means that the love of God is stronger than evil and death.

It means that the love of God can transform our lives and let desert places in our hearts bloom

Pope Francis,  Easter Sunday