Computer Cud         Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God              Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:     reading + psalm + reading + gospel                  From        Previous Bible Plans 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today. 
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, courage and peace for my daily life 

October 5 , 2012     

Two Kings 21-25

Josiah king of Judah was a good leader who loved the Lord
and promoted religious reform.

But most other kings of Judah and Israel at this time were not good.

The country was invaded by the king of Babylon
who deported most of the population to Babylon.
Only the poorest people in the countryside were left behind

Dear God,  please give the world good leaders

Psalms 149-150

Sing a new song to the Lord.
Let the praise of God be always on our lips.

Praise God in his holy temple.
Praise him in the heavens.

O praise him with sound of trumpet.
Praise him with lute and harp.

Praise him with drums and dancing.
Praise him with strings and pipes.

Let everything that lives and breathes,
give praise to the Lord our Creator.  Alleluia!

Lord to you we say every day "Allelu -ia" ("praise God")

2 Timothy 1

I remind you to fan into a flame the gift that God gave you
when I prayed over you with the laying on of hands

God's gift was not a spirit of timidity, but the Spirit of power, and love and self-control

Never be ashamed of witnessing to the Lord.
Like me and with me, put up with hardships for the sake of the Good News

Jesus, help me put up with hardships for the sake of the Good News

Luke 18

As Jesus entered Jericho, there was a blind beggar sitting by the road.
People in the crowd told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by

So he called out "Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me".
Some people told him to be quiet,
but he just shouted all the louder "Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me"

Jesus stopped and asked him "What do you want me to do for you?"
He replied "Sir, let me see again"

Jesus said to him "Receive your sight. Your faith has saved you".
Instantly his sight returned, and he followed Jesus, praising God

Jesus, please heal my blind friend ......(name)...