Computer Cud         Vatican II asks us to read the Bible every day,   'to have a burning love'   for the Word of God              Resolution

This plan follows the Sunday liturgy:     reading + psalm + reading + gospel                  From        Previous Bible Plans 

O Holy Spirit, please guide me as I read these passages for today. 
May these passages give me hope, strength, wisdom, courage and peace for my daily life 

October 23, 2012     

Tobit 5-6

Tobit told Tobias to find a trustworthy man to go with him to Media. 
Tobias found Raphael, but Tobias did not know Raphael was an angel.

On the first night of their journey, Tobias and Raphael caught a large fish.
Raphael told Tobias to keep the gall, liver and heart of the fish.

Raphael explained that the gall would cure the blindness of Tobit, 
and that the liver and heart would drive away the demon Asmodeus.

Dear God, thank you for the help we receive from your angels

Psalm 20-21

May the Lord protect and help you,
may he give you your heart's desire
and fulfill every one of your plans.

Some trust in chariots or horses,
but we trust in the Lord.

Lord, may our plans and hopes be acceptable to you.
Please bless  our plans

Hebrews 1 

At various times in the past and in various different ways,
God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets

But in our own time, he has spoken to us through his Son,
through whom he made everything.
He is the radiant light of God the Father's glory

He has sacrificed himself for sinners.
He has taken his place at the right hand of the Father.
He is far greater than any angel

Jesus, deepen my understanding of who you are


Luke 23

Pilate said to the religious leaders and to the people
"You brought this man before me as a political agitator.
Neither Herod nor I have found a case against the man.
He has done nothing deserving death.
I shall have him flogged and then let him go"

But the leaders and people screamed out "Away with him. Crucify him!".
Pilate asked "Why? What harm has he done?"
They kept shouting "Crucify him! Crucify him!"

Pilate then gave in to them and handed Jesus over for crucifixion

Jesus, how great your mental suffering must have been as the crowd shouted for your death