22, 2013 Africa
blogger "Bakhita"
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A moment each day - a prayer for our Priests
When Pope Francis first spoke to the multitude of people waiting at the square to see him, he asked for the people to pray for him before he could pray with them and for them. This got me thinking, do we even for a minute, when we are saying our prayers - three times a day? Throughout the day? - Do we ever pray for our priests?
Pastor’s wife (I’m an Anglican and the Anglican priests are allowed to
marry) has been very ill for close to a year. Its amazing the way my Pastor will
go on with the sermon and even pray for the congregation without a single day of
him showing any strain.
very good friend and priest in Hong Kong, has dedicated his life to serving the
poor, the sick, the destitute and those in prison. Day in day out he is in the
prison, praying for the prisoners and their families, giving them hope and
walking them through forgiveness and life after prison.
prays for the priests who pray for us and shoulder our burdens and our tears and
this very moment, I ask God, the Almighty to renew their strength each day and
bless them for the heavy load that they carry, and that I will always remember
to say a prayer for them, no matter how short or quick it may be, but I will
always remember to pray for them. I’m also calling on all of you out there, to
always have a moment each day and say a prayer for our priests and this way, we
can be sure that all over and all around the world someone somewhere is praying
for our priests.