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Looking forward to publishing an article from you each Thursday please!

May 24, 2012        Chris McDonnell, UK         chris@mcdonnell83.freeserve.co.uk                Previous articles by Chris

The Notes of Yves Congar


Shortly, the Notes of the Dominican, Yves Congar (1904-95) are to be published by Dominican Publications in Dublin under the title of My Journal of the Council. What could be more eagerly awaited after fifty years since the opening of the Council than the material writings of one who was central to so much discussion, advice and drafting of the documents.  

Congar spent much of his life under Roman Scrutiny, largely due to his deep involvement in the emerging ecumenical movement. As a result he often felt isolated and carried the huge load of one who is willing to speak out even though it resulted in his own restriction. In 1955 he was removed from his teaching post in Le Saulchoir, the Studium of the Paris Dominicans. He spent 5 years, mostly in exile, and was recalled by John XXIII to be part of the Central Planning Commission of the Council. His rehabilitation by John XXIII and his significant role in the Council came only after many years of censure and personal difficulty.  

Robert Nugent in his recent book “Silence Speaks” writes on Congar in one of four chapters outlining the lives of 20th C figures who came under suspicion, the others being deChardin, Merton and Courtney Murray. Well worth reading  [Silence Speaks: pub Paulist Press 2011], a useful curtain raiser to Congar’s own Journal of a time of real significance in the mission of the Church. He quotes from one of Congar’s works “Silenced for saying things”….”It is clear to me that Rome has never looked for and even now does not look for anything but the affirmation of its own authority.” That has a somewhat familiar ring in our present times.   

I look forward to reading Congar’s Journal, however long it may take, for it is over 1000 pages in length! 
It will be available mid-June from Dominican Publications,
42 Parnell Square , Dublin 1 Ireland
Cost £50 plus P&P.

Contacts:  Sales@dominicanpublications.com.

Website is: <www.dominicanpublications.com>    


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