Previous articles by Chris

   August 23, 2012                              Chris McDonnell, UK    

   Written  for a friend leaving after only two years in the ministry of a parish

             Too short a time  

There is a fruitful space between Seasons

following the Flowering and before the Fall,

the lengthening of April days and their shortening

in the slate grey skies of late October.  

In this constant cycle from one time to another

we live our fragile lives, go about our business;

at times hurrying, rushed and over-worked,

at others, resting after food with friends, emotions

relaxed in the late evening warmth of wine.  

So the year passes

with words and laughter, songs and tears.

An open hand is shared in passing,

a warm hug of greeting

and the soft kiss of affection

where appreciation of each other

is stronger than the spoken word.  

.....At other times, we told the story

and listened beyond hearing,

being there was enough, as coffee cooled,

and we slipped into respectful silence.....  

All too short a time,

hastily concluded by changed circumstances

from August then to August coming.  

Now the need for re-adjustment

as once more the Christ of the desert

asks each another question.