Previous articles by Chris April 3, 2013 Chris McDonnell, UK So
it happened
I am make no apology for returning to the same theme from last week’s
posting. The discussion of feet -washing as “an act on intimate love”
argued the case for
the more general sharing of this pastoral action and, in particular, for the
inclusion of both men, and women.
When Papa Francesco visited the young men and women in the juvenile
detention centre in Rome he gave a message that has reverberated round the
not only for his action of kneeling to wash a stranger’s feet, but for the
inclusivity of what he did. Here is a Bishop who leads by example, who says
much with few
words, who looks for simplicity for himself and by implication asks us to do
the same.
Dare we think that the vision of the Church that came from the Council is at
last being considered, a Church that is open to the world rather than
inwardly turned to
its own structures?
One of the folk hymns from the Sixties,
"Go Tell
Everyone" has the line “you don’t need two shirts for your back, a
workman can earn his own
keep”. Maybe there is something of that in the rejection by Francis of the
papal apartments and his choice of a simpler style of vestment. We indeed
have much
to learn from a man whose life has been Gospel -lived.
The fear of going beyond the strict rules and instructions should not, and
in fact cannot be, a Christ-pattern for relationships. Being there, caring,
loving, nurturing
others, whoever they may be, is an essential living-through of our baptism.
A few days back, on Palm Sunday, not only did we celebrate the Lord’s
arrival in
Jerusalem on a donkey, but remembered the murder of Archbishop Oscar Romero
in El Salvador. Just previous to his death he had been offered extra
but he refused. He said that the poor did not have that option, why should
he? The examples of how we might live last beyond fine phrases and eloquent
Our just being there says so much.
So this Easter, the act of washing feet has taken on a whole new dimension
and we have been made to ask questions that go beyond the rule book to the
heart of the Christian message. And the response to those questions ? Love
one another