Previous articles by Chris April 17, 2013 Chris McDonnell, UK Prayer aint easy |
have had this picture on file for a number of years. I cannot, I am afraid,
quote its source. But I do know that I find it a powerful image. Here is a
young woman whose face is hidden, who may at any moment lift her head and look
at you, but never does. She kneels, a prayerful presence before us.
And the task she undertakes isn’t easy. It is full of complications and contradictions. Merton found that out in the three short years he spent in his hermitage at Gethsemani. Prayer is never easy.
wrote that “………….Prayer and love are learned in the hour when prayer has become
impossible and hearts have turned to stone”
our confused and often troubled time of prayer, we presume that prayer is
always about asking, using words, following rituals, when in fact prayer is
about being in a relationship with God. It is the conviction that we matter to
God and he matters to us.
Muggeridge, a long-standing broadcaster in the
There are times when the words aren’t there, when the feeling has gone and there is an aridness of spirit that seems overwhelming. And for days or weeks, we feel lost and empty. Like the nun above we are lost the darkness of our hands, hoping at some point we will understand again and experience the solace of the Lord.
“Like the deer that yearns for running streams
so my soul is yearning for you my God”
and later,
“My tears have become my bread by night by day
as I hear it said all day long ‘Where is your
God?’ “
we ought to reflect and rest a bit more in our silence rather than get too
involved in our words. We are ever anxious to tell our story to God (who knows
it already) rather than listening to his story for us.
wordless hour of solitude
inner silent peace
Silent peace for wordless
solitude of inner time
Wordless solitude
space for inner peace
prayer-time hour