Previous articles by Chris May 29, 2013 Chris McDonnell, UK Spirit of Freedom
Season of Easter is at an end. The Liturgy of the Hours concludes with three
words on Pentecost Sunday
evening - “ So Eastertide ends”.
Trinity Sunday and the coming weeks we enter that period, rather strangely
called “Ordinary Time”, a space that takes us through the Summer and Autumn
in the Northern hemisphere to the beginning of
the Season of Advent in the first days of Winter.
have often wondered why we use the word ‘ordinary’, as though
these coming weeks are somehow humdrum and boring when they are in fact a
time of freedom joy and adventure reflecting those days in the early Christian
Communities when the Spirit fired the lives of the Apostles and their friends.
dove, being released by Papa Francesco, is gaining again the freedom of the
skies and there is immense joy on the face of Francis that he is giving the dove
its liberty.
one of us who profess the Risen Christ has that freedom of the Spirit who now
lives in us, freedom to act, to pray and to share the gift that is given us. And
with that Spirit comes responsibility to be honest with each other, to care for
each other and to give voice to the issues of conscience that beset our times.
is wrong to assume that asking questions, seeking solutions, challenging the
status quo, is an act of disloyalty; in many instances it is exactly the
opposite. Those who have shown such honesty have been too easily dismissed when
they have voiced an opinion.
Kung, in his recent article published in the Tablet (May11) Don’t
let Spring turn to Winter raises important comparisons about Francis and his
namesake. He concludes his article with these words.
should then in no way fall into resigned acceptance. Instead, faced with a lack
of impulse towards reform from the hierarchy, we must take the offensive,
pressing for reform from the bottom up. If Pope Francis tackles reforms, he will
find he has the wide approval of people far beyond the Catholic Church. However,
if he allows things to continue as they are, without clearing the log-jam of
reforms now in progress, such as that of the Leadership Conference of Women
Religious, then the call of “Time for outrage! Indignez-vous!” will ring out
more and more in the Catholic Church, provoking reforms from the bottom up”.
is a significant comment, not lightly made, for it asks, in the spirit of
collegiality, that the voice of those seeking the urgently needed reform should
be listened to and their views respected.
time is in fact ‘ordinary time’, all time is a time of pilgrimage, a time
when we are challenged in our belief and practice, all time is a time of the
Spirit. Those two men we heard about a few weeks back, walking the road from
The Spirit of Pentecost is within us as we walk our journey, offering us strength as we ask courageous questions.
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