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Previous articles by Chris

The Chilean Coup
of September 11
, 1973

Chris McDonnell, UK
September 11, 2013

(Comments welcome here)


The Chilean Coup

of last September


I see you O my people

in the streets

and in the passageways

               of night.


I see

your frightened faces

like posters, peeling from walls

soon forgotten

in the no-where time

that follows the insistent knock

upon the door.


I no longer hear your voices

for a thousand hurting cries

have filled my ears

       and echo still

between my yesterday

              and your tomorrow.


 I remember your September smells

from years gone by.

Cannot forget the acrid smell

                          of tear gas

and exploding shells

that cleared our city streets

hiding the sun

beyond a blackened sky.


              And you ask me why I leave you

    when we shared our food together

    when you hid me in the daytime

    in the darkness of your cellar.


    And you ask me where I’m going

    as I rise above the mountains

    on a one way ticket eastward

    from my home.


I go from here to exile

to try to put together

the tired and troubled pieces

of my mind.



December 1973: 

redrafted September  1995