April 16, 2014 Chris McDonnell, UK Forgive and start again |
Easter is late this year, coming as it does in the back end of April, the
month in the Northern hemisphere when we finally turn our backs on Winter. There
is a fullness to life, expressed so well by the Simon & Garfunkel song
“April, come she will, when streams are ripe and swelled with rain”
days in
for some, whose lives had been so damaged and hurt by the pain of those years,
it was hard to accept that he was here. But then reconciliation is never an easy
road to follow. Memories are ever present, the loss of a family member just as
keenly felt, the nights still lonely when someone you loved is no longer there.
the terror of 9/11, Bruce Springsteen later released an album “The Rising”
including a song “You’re missing” One verse tells of such emptiness.
“Pictures on the nightstand, TV's on in the
Your house is waiting, your house is waiting
For you to walk in, for you to walk in
But you're missing, you're missing
You're missing when I shut out the lights
You're missing when I close my eyes
You're missing when I see the sun rise
You're missing”
somehow we have to move on. Carrying the burden of anger, seeking further
revenge only serves to maintain the hurt. To see how people in different parts
of the world have sought to solve their pain of loss through conflict by
extending friendship, is an example to us all.
forgiveness of the Father in the mystery that is Easter is there for all of us
to experience. The recognition that often we don’t fully appreciate the
enormity of our actions was acknowledged in his words from the Cross
forgive them for they know not what they do”
forgiving Peter his denial was not too much.
after the days of the Triduum, comes Easter.
15 Resurrection
and first light in the garden,
brings shadows of women moving.
they did not recognise
in this Springtime Pasch,
the Nazarene passing over into
of the morning dawn,
the Resurrected Christ
greets us.
we did not trust you,
we did not understand.
We thought it was over.
‘No, my people, it has just begun’
this Easter and let us continually forgive each other