August 9, 2014    

Chris McDonnell, UK 


(Comments welcome here)

Previous articles by Chris




No speech, no word, no voice is heard

Yet their span extends through all the earth,

Their words to the utmost bounds of the world

Psalm 18


It must have been a misunderstanding,

the deliberate devastation of homes

the gaping wounds in a hospital wall

and a broken school room where children

were taught to trust.


It must have been a misunderstanding

the curt demand to convert or leave

to undertake a long trudge to the hills,

loss carried in a bag of clothes,

nothing else besides.


It must have been a misunderstanding

that caused a fireball to erupt above the clouds

of eastern Europe, scattering a million flakes

of twisted metal and possessions to the ground

below,  lost lives.


It must have been a misunderstanding

that in this year of memory,

memory fails and in the passage of night

storm-flash scars the tempest skies

of a darkened dawn
