February 3, 2016 Chris McDonnell, UK Sharing
an intimate
(Comments welcome here) |
are approaching the start of Lent, with the date of Easter early this year, Ash
Wednesday falls on February 10th this coming week.
Francis visited the young men and women in the juvenile detention centre in Rome
on the first Holy Thursday after his election in 2013 he gave a message that
reverberated round the world, not only for his action of kneeling to wash a
stranger’s feet, but for the inclusivity of what he did. Here was a Bishop of
the See of Rome who taught by example, who said much with few words, who looked
for simplicity for himself and, by implication, asks us to do the same. He was
following a tradition that he had established in
course there were those who were vocal then in their disagreement at this action
as for amongst the group, not all of whom were Catholic, were two young women.
postings I made at that time recorded the detail. How could he do such a thing?
It wasn’t allowed. Now this year the dust has been raised again for, in a
recent statement, it has been made clear that the washing of feet is not a
strict reserve for men, but may include women as well. In the text issued by
careful consideration, I have decided to make a change to the Roman Missal.
I therefore decree that the section according to which those persons chosen for
the washing
of the feet must be men or boys, so that from now on the
Pastors of the Church may choose the participants in the rite from among all the
members of the People of God. I also recommend that an adequate explanation of
the rite itself be provided to those who are chosen.”
certainly explanation is required for otherwise the whole occasion can be seen
as a liturgical dumb show with little meaning other than a mimed re-enactment of
the gospel of John.
the current edition of the bi-monthly publication The Pastoral Review,
Tom O’Loughlin, professor of Historical Theology in
was an action of generosity and welcome when, on arrival at a house, your feet,
dusty and dirty from the journey, were washed by a servant. It was one of
lowest, most menial tasks that the servant was charged with doing, and usually
it was performed by a woman. Not a matter of choice for the servant but an
action undertaken under the instruction of a master. His recent book, published
last year Washing
Feet, imitating the example of Jesus in the Liturgy today explores
this liturgical action in some detail. It is very informative.
Washing of Feet is an action of gentle kindness, an act of service and an
intimate act of love. I received an email a couple of years ago from a member of
the Call to Action group here in
Or will everything be done as we did it before, the priest kneeling before twelve good men, carefully chosen, to enact a ceremony rather than experience an act of love and generosity, with the women of the community, as is so often the case, passive onlookers rather than participants? Of course, there is the record of the Lord’s feet being washed by a woman. We do well to remember that.