all seems a long time ago, mainly because it is, thirty six years in fact, since
some 2000 people gathered in
for the National Pastoral Congress. The Report that emerged
was given the title of ‘The Easter People’. The cover image of a stream of
people with hands uplifted in praise, is one that I have used in many and ways
in subsequent years, both in school, parish and various leaflets.
They were days of hope and renewal, an inspiration
for the Church in
that, by an open sharing, by discussion and exchange we
might continue to explore and develop the insights to faith offered by Vatican
Sadly, it was not to be, for within three years or
so, its formative influence was fading, the urgency was lost. The inspired
direction by Cardinal Hume of
and Archbishop Worlock of
, both before and after the Congress, came face to face with
the early years of the John-Paul II papacy and the chance was gone.
What would have been the consequences for the laity
in this island off the north-west coast of
if it had been taken further? I would suggest that the
contribution we might have made has been greatly diminished. Those who have
voiced a considered opinion over subsequent years have often been regarded as a
troublesome irritant both at diocesan and parish levels.
We might ask how many diocesan bishops have a lay
pastoral council, where views might be exchanged and opinions offered? The route
however in most cases is only one way. We hear from our bishops in measured
tones when a ‘pastoral letter’ is issued, ‘to be read etc…’ but never
have the opportunity to respond. Occasionally it will be printed for
distribution in the parish, but that is not normal practice. So words of wisdom
are offered, we sit and listen but can say nothing in response and often forget
them by the end of mass.
At the same time it might be pertinent to ask about
the regular meeting of the Bishop’s National Conference. Not only have the
laity no knowledge of their Agenda, they equally have no way of knowing outcomes
until it is decided by a small select group to release a word or two.
can’t at least a summary minute be posted on diocesan websites? There
really must be some way that the lay voice can contribute in a meaningful and
positive way to discussions that do after all involve us? Diocesan councils
would help enormously.
We should of course be able to take it up for
discussion at the next meeting of our parish council, that gathering of good
women and men who come together to help maintain the active mission of a pilgrim
church. Trouble is that many parishes do not have such a Council, the forward
planning, the exploration of faith is left in the safe hands of the parish
priest in whose implicit right judgement we must place our trust. And all this
after the National Congress in 1980 gave such hope to lay involvement, how sad,
what a loss.
If the Church has problems and the people, all of us
who are the Church, then all of have a contribution make at both parish and
diocesan level. Those who participate in finding solutions after carefully
exploring the issues are far more likely to accept and implement the resultant
Either we arrange our discussion in a careful and
positive manner with due respect for each and everyone concerned or we gnaw at
issues in a narrow, and in the end, non-productive manner that only serves to
antagonise many people
In the years since
, the inspiration for dialogue and renewal has come from
informal groups of laity who in their own time and through their own initiative
have asked the questions, sought answers and attempted discussion with our
priests and bishops in good faith. Mostly, to no avail.
Yet in the years of the papacy of Francis, a
continual theme has been that of sharing, of people taking responsibility rather
than following without question the direction of the next one up the ladder.
Our laity has, in so many instances, gained from the
experience of tertiary education in recent years. They have access to documents
through the net, they are widely read in both secular and spiritual matters and
through such a background, they have the ability to hold a cogent, informed
The world we live in has changed. Either we respond
to that change in a purposeful and sincere manner or we will experience the
consequence of our failure to meet the challenge.
W H Auden concluded a poem written in October 1940
with these words: “time tells you nothing but I told you so.” I would
suggest that time is short.