McDonnell, UK
Previous articles by Chris
welcome here A Cold War is being re-heated Albert Einstein’s famous statement -"I know not
with what weapons World War 3 will be fought but World War 4 will be
fought with sticks and stones"- does indeed give food for thought. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in ‘89 and the
collapse of the Eastern block of countries in Europe, so closely aligned
to the Soviet Union, the Iron Curtain that had been in place since the
late 40s passed into memory. The break-up of the Soviet Union itself eased
the threat of Communistic dictatorship and for a while we smiled again.
The significance of the role played by John Paul II has yet to be
determined but there can be little doubt that he played no small part. Many other problems still faced us but the spirit of
co-operation that was about at that time heralded new circumstances and a
brighter prospect. Now, nearly thirty years later, the skies are again
clouded and threatening words disturb the peace. Military power has once
more become chips stacked on the poker table where world leaders gather to
play a dangerous game. We would do well to remind ourselves of the role
individuals played in those difficult years that led to this re-formation
of Europe, the years when the Peace Movement became recognised not as the
home of cranks but as an expression of honest, sincere people whose voice
crying in the wilderness alerted others to the utter futility of nuclear
conflict. In the States, the priests Dan and Phil Berrigan, the
street protests (and subsequent imprisonment) of Dorothy Day, founder of
the Catholic Worker movement and the actions of protest over the war in
Vietnam in Catonsville of Jim Forest, set the scene. A new book on Dan
Berrigan, written by Jim Forest is about to be published-
At Play in the Lions' Den.
Another voice often overlooked is the one-time archbishop of Seattle,
Raymond Hunthausen who trod a lonely path in the cause of peace. His
biography -A still and quiet conscience- is a tribute to an
outstanding man of conviction. Here in England, Bruce Kent has been chaplain and vice
president of Pax Christi, over fifty years a strong Christian voice
for peace. At this distance of time it is easy to forget the women of
Greenham Common, whose protest at the perimeter fence outside the airbase
for US Cruise missiles in Berkshire week in, week out was an example of
dogged fortitude and determination. Now we are again at risk, for should conflict on the
Korean peninsula break out it is unlikely to remain within the confines of
that narrow strip of land. Led by a man whose actions are calculated to
disturb the status quo, faced by another leader without the
political acumen to close his Twitter account, we are passing through
nervous times. And don’t think for a moment that neither China nor
Russia have fallen asleep. They are formidable players on a world stage. The accidental wrong-stepping of one or the other
could have catastrophic consequences. Writing in war time Poland,
Borowski pointed out "Whatever will be left of us is scrap iron And the muffled sneer of generations." That was written in 1942. Subsequent times have been
changed by the events in Japan in the early days of August, 1945. We have
seen the outcome of a nuclear attack. The present face-off with a worry of words and
an exchange beyond reason, where an argument is easily lost in personal
pride, is dangerous. We have in Pope Francis a man whose commitment to peace
and his unending willingness to proclaim it is assured. His recent words
in Colombia are testimony to that. We should be eternally grateful for his
presence in the See of Rome. Arguments for a ‘just war’ wear
thin given the weapons that are likely to be involved should armed
conflict break out. That is where Einstein’s words are truly prophetic
for we would indeed be reduced to sticks and stones in any subsequent
disagreement. In each diocese and in each parish, the current crisis,
for that is not too strong a word to describe where we find ourselves,
should be included in Bidding Prayers, find a space for reference in
sermons and get a mention in Bulletins. Living on this planet is perilous enough without the
threat of war as recent days of hurricane impact have shown us. We need to
keep the balance of economic greed and care of our home planet finely
tuned. Just as it is dangerous to re-heat certain foods in the
microwave, so it might be a huge risk to return to the stand-off of the
Cold War years. "Peace, peace will come, let it begin with
me" sang Tom Paxton. Not a bad place to start. END
September 20, 2017