December 7, 2012 Hazel of Old Windsor (UK) Hazel's previous articles
So many problems....but Church leaders not listening
I do like your R R P file. It is bringing a positive outlook and a way forward to the distressing news about disciplining priests who disagree with the Curia, etc. etc.
That news is so depressing it is easy to become bogged down with it all and one wonders why, why, the Church in its present form won't discuss or even look at the problems and difficulties in the wider world.
For many, many years, every meeting I went to brought up the problem of divorced Catholics being refused the Sacraments - these are the Church's grass roots who need to have these problems brought into the open, who need to be listened to by those up this hierarchical ladder.
Now of course, we are all talking about divorced Catholics, women priests, mandatory celibacy and the dreadful legacy of abuse within the Church committed by its supposed leaders.
Unless these things are brought out into the open, they will continue to fester and soon the Church itself will be open, festering wound and by-passed by those looking for the way to follow and find the one true God.