January 5, 2012              I'm passionate about .....

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard often says
"I'm passionate about education".
In both Washington and Canberra
she and President Obama
had a happy gathering with school students

What about people who are trying to follow the vision of Vatican 2?
What should we be passionate about?

Other items can be added (e.g:  women's rights/rites; education; religious freedom; priesthood; healing etc)
...and will be added if/when bloggers are found...(bloggers needed!)
but surely these 7 are on the passionfruit list:
-  the Bible
- climate change
- ecumenism
- evangelization
- the laity
- world peace
- world poverty

Am I passionate about reading the Scriptures?
Which is more important in my daily life: TheBook or FaceBook?

Am I interested in and informed about
the issue of climate change?

Am I a circle-the-wagons Catholic
or do I try to network with people of other denominations/faiths?

Am I as passionate about spreading the Good News
as the dedicated Jehovah Witnesses and young Mormons
who regularly knock on my door?

How often do I pray for peace in the world's trouble spots?

Am I less and less comfortable about my First World life-style
while an under-6 child dies of malnutrition every 5 seconds?

If www.v2catholic.com is to be true to the vision of Vatican 2,
it must have regular articles about the above topics

Anyone like to help blog on these 5 topics?
A blog each week to help us become passionate about these essential issues

Seven special bloggers needed.
Most grateful if 7 or more volunteers would please help

Jesus, please move 7 hearts to join the bowlers/pitchers of v2catholic.com 

(update: Bible & Poverty bloggers found: 
thank you Judith Lynch and Bill Mulcahy. 
Five more bloggers please Lord!)

John W
