February 3              Pope & Communion: kneel and use tongue           John W         John's previous articles

Yesterday I received this email from a reader in the USA:

I have been following your site for a few weeks now.
Could you put the link to the page that was referring to kneeling during Communion 
and all of the other "forthcoming" changes to the Mass.
If you would be so kind as to incorporate it in an area of your site that is a bit more permanent,
others may be able to access this information to see what other "improvements" are in store 
for the "reform of the reform of the reform." etc.

If you Google "pope communion kneeling" you'll find articles like these

2008-06-26 Pope sets norm

2010-05-26 announcement from Vatican

This site extreme...but scroll down for more info

The above articles are now linked on the file Agenda of the "Reform of the reform"

Following this reader's request, Agenda file will now be found at top of main index, not at bottom

John W

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