January 10, 2012      Three items of news

A:  Word has it that another item on the agenda of the reform of the reform,
is a new translation of the Lectionery, the Bible readings for Mass,
- a very fundamentalist translation.
 "It's a disaster" according to one prominent Australian archbishop.
Would anyone have any info re this project? Or the archbishop's comment?

B: Speaking of the Lectionery, it's predecessor in the Tridentine Rite,
which we were using until Vatican 2, and which some people are now going back to,
used 1% of the Old Testament  and  16.5% of the New Testament.
No wonder most Catholics had little knowledge of the Bible.
Does anyone have figures for current Lectionery?

C: Though the U.S. contains only about 5% of the world's population,
it has almost 25% (1,600,000) of the world's prisoners  -  NCR report

John W

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