October 30, 2013    Martin Mallon  (Ireland)     Martin's previous articles          

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According to this article in Wikipedia, see , Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani of Lima  is one of two cardinals who are members of Opus Dei.  

So no one will be surprised to learn that, according to The Tablet , the Cardinal:  

has stated the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) is "wrong" in adopting a friendly approach to liberation theology.  

Supporting the rich and powerful in society is the natural state for Opus Dei and the very idea of siding with the poor, and Liberation Theology, is anathema.  

We can only hope and pray that the love he has for the poor, and the Holy Spirit, will assist Pope Francis in dealing with the rich and powerful prelature of Opus Dei.  

Francis will have to confront Opus Dei at some stage if his desire for a poor church for the poor is to be realised, especially in South America .  

For further information on Opus Dei read:  

1) http://www.v2catholic.com/mmallon/2013/2013-02-26opus-dei-cancer-within.htm  

2) http://www.v2catholic.com/mmallon/2013/2013-09-03bring_back_the_devil's-advocate.htm
