March 30, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
As mentioned in yesterday's
blog, today I'd like to start offering a few reflections
on three books describing near-death experiences:
- "90
minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper
- "Evidence
of the Afterlife" by Dr Jeffrey Long
"Heaven is for Real" by
Todd Burpo
Reflection 1:
are these reports/books genuine?
Over the past few years I've fallen for a number of best sellers that proved to
be frauds:
** Gavin Menzies books 1421 & 1434....1421 still the best-selling "history" book in Australia....but a fraud...from same stable at Da Vinci Code - see this Four Corners documentary, especially the program's transcript!
** Greg Mortneson's books about Afghanistan
So, step one is to be careful of best-sellers.
Are they fact or fiction?... or a combination of both?
A useful way of checking their authenticity is to Google them for readers'
If you put "90 minutes in heaven genuine" into Google, and you have a
few hours to spare,
you'll see many conflicting views. The same for the other books.
After I read "90 Minutes" I was
inspired by Don Piper's courage....and I felt his report is genuine.
After I read "Evidence", I felt that Dr Long's report is
After I read "Heaven is For Real" I felt that Todd Burpo's book might
be a "combo", mainly genuine with added extras
All three books are easy to fact not
easy to put down.
Anyone like to share your impressions of the books? What do you think about
Tomorrow: Reflection 2 re these books
My Bible Plan for today. Please join me in using this genuine menu for nourishment
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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