This blog is written each night before I go to bed. Blog is written in the past tense, talking about "yesterday".

April 3,  2012                      Daily Blog                  John W                   Previous 2012 blogs


Dear Friends

On Easter Sunday, Hong Kong's Cardinal John Tong
is due to say a Tridentine Mass at St Teresa's Church in Kowloon at 3pm

For the past two weeks, this large advertisement
has appeared in HK's Catholic papers 

Compared with similar sites in other countries,
the HK Tridentine Community's website is quite simple, mild and peaceful

Some comments about Sunday's Mass: (from myself and other HK priests I've spoken to)

- Cardinal Tong is no doubt being pressured to say the Mass,
as was his predecessor Cardinal Joseph Zhen who said the group's 5th Anniversary Mass

- Pope Benedict, who is pushing for the restoration of the Tridentine Mass,
no doubt has briefed all the cardinals about the need to support Tridentine groups

- possibly "no support, no be cardinal"

- most cardinals around the world have been saying Tridentine Masses (?)

- Easter Sunday of all days! The most important day of the year. A wise day to say 
a Tridentine Mass?  What message does that send? To priests/seminarians/people....

- people involved in choirs etc for the Mass have been practicing for more than a month.
It's going to be quite a show: see the adv for the list of choirs

- Easter Sunday: people will be missing from their parishes for the most important Mass of the year

- people are coming from China to attend the Mass (....and then go back and plant/water the seed
for Tridentine Masses in China....which means more disunity in an already divided Catholic community)

- Vatican Council II and Pope Paul VI said to stop celebrating the Tridentine Mass

- Pope Benedict XVI overturned that ruling....and he is pressuring the cardinals to follow his decision

- a final comment from a senior HK priest (not myself): "the height of stupidity, but no doubt he's being pressured 
to do it" (...just as he was conscripted to join Vox Clara...)

Jesus, where is the Church going? 
Is it going the way you want it to go?

My  Bible Plan for today = the readings of Tuesday of Holy Week

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W

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John Wotherspoon
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