This blog is written each night before I go to bed. Blog is written in the past tense, talking about "yesterday".
April 8, 2012 EASTER SUNDAY Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Happy Easter! May the Risen Lord give us hope
and courage and peace
for our daily lives
The past few days at Peng Chau Island have
been most enjoyable.
Only a small group for the Easter services,
but like one big family
The past two mornings I've gone to neighboring
Hei Ling Chau Island to visit inmates.
About 400 on Friday morning, and another 400 yesterday morning.
Both days were public holidays, so the men were not in their workshops,
but in their dining halls....easy to see them all in a short time
Yesterday in one section at HLC, a local
Chinese man asked prayer for his wife's sister...has cancer. I asked the man why
he was asking me for prayer, and he said "I'm a friend of the guy in Lai
Chi Kok who asked you to help him pray for his mother in February....mother was
due to have big heart operation....but after the guy (who'd never prayed in his
life) prayed for her on the three days before the operation was due, the
operation was cancelled on the day it was due...and she went home well and was
told no need for operation".
So .... I just asked the HLC man to pray "Jesus, please help my sister in
law to get well"...and gave him a copy of the book "Doctor Jesus"
(which helped the LCK man to pray for his mother)
Easter Jesus still around....helping and healing
Piece of mental gymnastics in yellow below is strictly optional reading:
Q 01: What place closed
down some time after 3pm on Good Friday? A:
"the bosom of Abraham" =
the place where all the good people who died before Jesus' death ...were
waiting for the gates of heaven to open = the place where Abraham,
Moses, Elijah, St Joseph, John the Baptist, etc were counting down
the days before they moved house to heaven. c.f. Cat 01 & Cat 02 (both of which unfortunately use words "descended into hell"; better to use "descended to the dead") c.f. Cat 03 & Cat 04 c.f. Did John the Baptist go straight to heaven when he died? (scroll down to comment by Kev123) Q 02: When did the gates of heaven
open....after Jesus' death or after his resurrection? Best understanding:
what matters is not the timing of the opening gates, but the fact that
they re-opened. Using the human concept of time to talk about
heavenly realities has many limitations....a bit like asking a tiny
child to use Windows 2011. So we humbly pray |
My Bible Plan for today = the readings for Easter Sunday
Again, may the Risen Jesus, give us hope, strength, courage, peace and
for our daily lives! Happy Easter!
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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