Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues:
South Asia Wed:
East Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & Pacific
South America Sat:
Central & North America Please
join me in praying for one part of the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of
South Asia
April 10, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Yesterday in HK I attended the funeral Mass of
Petrina (aged 8 next month).
She died March 27 having been brain dead for more than a month - after
contracting a fever
The Mass was really beautiful - as were the tributes to Petrina after Mass
Petrina's father is a guard at a HK Detention
Several dozen of his colleagues attended the Mass - a powerful support group
I did not concelebrate the Mass.
I sat in the back seat with Pastor Paul Hui, a young ordained Assemblies of God
He came by himself to the church. His first time to the church.
Paul is a fellow prison chaplain.
He very kindly visited Petrina many times in hospital, praying for her recovery.
Today he shared with me how at one stage he fasted for three days to pray for
He shared too that many AG groups in HK had been praying for Petrina - at his
In his own church Paul has a Communion Service. He believes in the Eucharist.
Today he accepted my invitation to receive Communion.
We went up together.
Many thanks to kind readers of this website
for all your prayers for Petrina.
Prayer is never wasted - even when we don't see the immediate results.
All those prayers went into a bank account that will help someone somewhere some
Still on prayer: as you might know from
reading my former weekly diary over the years,
I try to pray for one province/city/area of China
each day of the month.
There are 31 such administration areas - and 31 days most months.
Hope you can join me in this campaign (...also the one at top of this page)
It's the 10th of the month, so we can pray: Jesus please bless the people of Hubei
My Bible Plan for today = the readings of Easter Tuesday
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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