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Monday May 7, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Like most people who get their news from the
internet, I rarely buy a newspaper.
But most days on my morning walk,
as I go past the local "7-11" shop,
I check the front page of "The South China Morning Post"
What I saw yesterday left me physically
I had a feeling of sickness in the stomach.
The main front page article was expressing concern
that a certain hospital in Hong Kong might have to close.
That hospital is where half of HK's annual 10,000 (?) abortions are performed
The concern is that if that hospital
there will be an increase in illegal abortions
I didn't know HK had so many abortions.
I thought women just went over the border into China for an abortion.
China has more than one million abortions each month
The article went on to list the prices for abortions in HK's private and public
Almost free for local residents in public hospitals.
Upwards from HK$8,000 (US$1,030) in private hospitals.
A quick Google search about abortion in HK
shows that
in 2004 about one third of pregnancies in HK were terminated
and that HK had the highest abortion rate in the developed world
Whatever the moral/religious arguments about
two facts stand out:
1. The utmost, the greatest support and help should be given to women thinking
about an abortion,
through agencies like Right to Life (whose HK name, to my shame, I can't
remember, nor can I find it on internet...not a high profile agency?...) May
17 update:
HK Right to Life group is Birthright.
2. People should be given more info about the side effects of
in this story from when I was working in China
On this 7th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Hebei
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
My Bible Plan for today = Please join me in using these
readings for wisdom and courage
in facing issues like abortion
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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