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Jesus, today please bless the people of Africa

Sunday May 27,  2012                      Daily Blog                  John W                   Previous 2012 blogs


Dear Friends

Happy Pentecost Sunday!

Pentecost, Easter, Christmas - the three most important days of the year for a Christian.
Easter & Christmas - public holidays + Church octave to help us remember/celebrate.
Pentecost - we tend not to give much importance

We pray to God the Father each day (..The "Our Father")
We pray to Jesus during the day.
But do we pray to the Holy Spirit each day?

Some years ago, there was a book called "The Forgotten Paraclete"

When I was young there was no mention of the Holy Spirit in "The Divine Praises".
He (..Jesus uses "he", so "he" is ok..) was added in about the late 1960s as an afterthought

The "Gloria" at Mass gives the Holy Spirit a brief mention in the second last line

Our liturgy rarely speaks directly to the Holy Spirit 
(today's "Sequence" an exception)

Such is "Western" Christianity.
On the other hand, "Eastern" Christianity has a far richer appreciation of the Holy Spirit.
(see article on today's menu: "A new awareness")

A way to let water help us remember the Holy Spirit each day (I've used this for about 30 years, every day):
water - baptism - Holy Spirit)

When you wash your face in the morning, pray as you splash: "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me"

When you have a drink of water during the day, pray as you drink: "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me"

When it rains, pray as you shelter under umbrella: "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me"

When you go swimming, pray as you swim: "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me"

When you have a shower, pray as you shower: "Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me"

Come Holy Spirit!


On this 27th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Tibet 
(Please join me in praying for one part of China each day of the month)

My Bible Plan for today = readings for Pentecost (morning Mass)

Thank you for a prayer

God bless!

John W

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