Sun: Africa
Europe & Russia Tues: South
Asia Wed: East
Asia Thurs:
S.E. Asia & Pacific
Frid: South
America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
the world each day:
Jesus, today please bless the people of Africa
Sunday August 19, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
For the world's 1.6 billion Muslims, today is a sacred day: Eid, the last day of Ramadan
I must admit I had almost no contact with Muslims until I came to Hong Kong.
contact has increased in recent years through my prison ministry
...I see dozens of Muslim inmates each week. I help them obtain copies of the
Koran and other literature
And they become genuine friends. After release they will always say hello if we meet on the street
Like yesterday morning...after I delivered a large bag of Bibles to Chi Fu I was walking to a nearby bus stop....a man doing road repair work (in terrible heat) saw me, called out to me, and ran across the road for a chat: "Hello...remember me?...I'm Ali...I was in Lai Chi Kok for 2 years".
God bless Ali and all dear Muslims today!
On this
19th of the month,
Jesus please bless
the people of Shanxi
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
My Bible Plan for today =
The readings for the 20th Sunday of the Year.
Jesus in the Eucharist, please give us more wisdom for our daily lives!
Thank you for a prayer
God bless!
John W
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