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America Sat: Central & North
America Please join me in praying for one part of
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Jesus, today please bless the people of Central
& North America
Saturday September 29, 2012 Daily Blog John W Previous 2012 blogs
Dear Friends
Yesterday a Spanish day for me
At the usual Friday morning prayer service of Lai Chi Kok detention centre, no Spanish-speaking priest was available to help, so I found myself looking after 19 Spanish-speaking inmates (with help of translator), while an Evangelical Indian minister cared for 18 English-speaking inmates
Then in the afternoon I spent some 3 hours at HK Immigration with a lady from Spain who has been sleeping on the drain (literally) the past month or more. With the help of a kind Notre Dame parishioner who used to work at Immigration + help of a lady from the Spanish Consulate-General, the signorina's visa was extended ....and money accessed from her bank account (! which we didn't know about at the beginning of the story)....and then she was escorted to the Filipino Pastoral Centre where a kind sister and priest and staff arranged for her to stay at their emergency accommodation until she leaves on Oct 6 (using a plane ticket to be bought tomorrow with her own money) for Madrid via London on Air New Zealand!
God bless the past week's Team Spain, especially ND's Teresa who put together the rescue package....and who reminded me last night of a beautiful Chinese saying "Helping others is the source of happiness"
(oh oh...just checked...signorina is Italian, not Spanish...)
this 29th of the month, Jesus
please bless the
people of Chongqing
(Please join me in praying for one
part of China each day of the month)
Today's Bible plan = the readings for the Feast of Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (Raphael was involved in the healing of Tobit (Book of Tobit) a good day to ask help of Raphael for sick friends)
Thank you for a prayer. Adios!
God bless!
John W
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