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Please join me in praying for one part of the world each day of the week:
Jesus, today, Wednesday, please bless the people of East Asia

On this 6th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Hainan
Please join me in praying for one part of China each day of the month

 Wednesday February 6th,  2013              Daily Blog           John W             2012 blogs


Dear Friends

Peter was chosen to be "the rock" on which Jesus built his Church.
Jesus' idea was a rock, but over the centuries the rock became a rock where more so than during the papacy of John Paul II

To their credit, John Paul & Paul VI abolished the monarchical custom of being carried in to well as several other medieval customs

The rock-star status of the papacy is a symbol of the concentration of power and creeping infallibility of the papacy

May the new pope bring the papacy back to earth:

- by become a humble encourager of the brethren ...someone who allows Jesus, not himself,  to be the main focus in papal liturgies

- by putting the principle of subsidiarity into practice, by which responsibility is shared with episcopal conferences

Be like the moon, a lump of rock that is made useful and beautiful by the sun....acknowledging the sun, not itself, as the centre of the solar system

Come Holy Spirit!

John W

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