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Saturday May 18 , 2013 Daily Blog John W Previous blogs
Dear Friends
Christians, the three most important days of the year are Christmas, Easter and
Christmas and Easter are supported by commercial promotion and holidays in most
Pentecost tends to be forgotten (except in about 20 countries which have a holiday for Pentecost Monday)
In the (Western) Church, the Holy Spirit of Pentecost has tended, at least until recently, to be "the forgotten Paraclete"
He gets a quick second-last line mention in "The Gloria" at Mass
"In the 19th Century, Mary took the place of the Holy Spirit" (Rene Laurentin, one of the world's top Marian writers)
Only after Vatican II were the words "Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete" added to "The Divine Praises"
The old Eucharistic Prayer (EP 1) embarrassingly forgot to ask his blessing before the Consecration at Mass
and Easter are followed by a week-long octave of special Masses and prayers.
Pentecost is followed by ....the Monday of the 7th week of the year
Vatican II led to a re-discovery of the Holy Spirit by Catholics. But the good ship "Re-Discovery" has been in calm waters of late
Sadly, most Catholics rarely pray to the Holy Spirit
I look forward to Pope Francis' words re the Holy Spirit when he joins many thousands of members of Ecclesial Movements in St Peter's Square for a Pentecost Vigil tonight and Pentecost Sunday Mass tomorrow. May the Pope's words at these liturgies stir up the Church to remember the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit! May this Pentecost of 2013 be a time of re-discovery of your
presence and love and power in our lives, in our families, in our Church, in our
world! May we remember you every day of our lives.
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us!
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