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Jesus, today, Sunday, please bless the people of Africa

On this 7th of the month, Jesus please bless the people of Hebei
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 Sunday July 7,  2013             Daily Blog        John W       Previous blogs


Dear Friends

What a brilliant decision by Pope Francis:
John XXIII and John Paul II to be canonised together before the end of the year (maybe December 8?)

The patron saint of the liberals and the patron saint of the conservatives on the same menu!

No doubt Francis will use the occasion to call for unity in the Church, and repeat the call that it's time Catholics stopped calling each other "conservative" and "liberal"

c.f. final section of this article which has the words:
The church in the United States must overcome the problem of factionalism. This begins by re-examining our language. America will no longer use the terms “liberal,” “conservative” or “moderate” when referring to our fellow Catholics in an ecclesiastical context.

Along the same line of thought: Francis' decision to publish Benedict's encyclical is another master stroke. 
c.f. Light of Faith unites two popes

Francis is giving a personal example of unity by identifying with his predecessor.

Four popes on the one day: the canonisation announcement (2 popes)  and the release of the encyclical (2 popes).
Francis would have slept well, with a mischievous grin on his face, on the night of July 5!

John W

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