Previous reflections   The 16 Documents of Vatican II Resolution  

 112:   Based on the Vatican II document 
Gaudium et Spes (Church in the world) 
Article 8


"The world has changed so dramatically in recent decades,
that many people have lost their bearings,
and new types of conflicts and hardships and distrust
are threatening the human family"
   (a rough summary of no. 8)

Two of the biggest problems now affecting the world:
1: world poverty, which is increasing, not decreasing
2: climate change, which is a real and present danger, coming closer each year

The Church must have these two problems on its radar,
high on its agenda

When was the last time either of these items
got a mention at my parish council,
at my school board meeting,
at my community gathering,
at my family meal?

Jesus, please help us put world poverty and climate change
on our agenda, high on our agenda


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