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We were "made good",
but the first humans, at the urging of Satan,
turned their back on God,
and ever since then
everyone has had an inclination to evil, from our earliest days
There's a battle going on in
every human heart,
between good and evil
This is reflected in society:
it's an intensive struggle between good and evil, light and darkness
Which is why God the Son entered
the boxing ring,
took on and defeated Satan,
and reformatted our hard drives.
Jesus is the anti-virus to counter the virus of sin
As St Paul puts it in Romans 5:
"Through one man, Adam, the virus of
sin entered the world,
and sin infected everyone with death.
Through one man, Jesus, the divine anti-virus of grace entered the world,
and brought the gift of eternal life
to everyone who allows it to be installed in their heart.
The divine anti-virus of grace is more powerful than any sin virus"
Jesus, please download and install in my heart
your anti-virus program of grace
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