Previous reflections   The 16 Documents of Vatican II Resolution  

 124:   Based on the Vatican II document 
Gaudium et Spes (Church in the world) 
Article 20


I wonder if such a pure form of atheism as below exists anymore?

"Not to be overlooked among the forms of modern atheism
is that which anticipates the liberation of man especially through his economic and social emancipation.
This form argues that by its nature religion thwarts this liberation
 by arousing man's hope for a deceptive future life,
thereby diverting him from the constructing of the earthly city.
Consequently when the proponents of this doctrine gain governmental power
they vigorously fight against religion, and promote atheism by using,
especially in the education of youth, those means of pressure which public power has at its disposal"

Atheism, like religion, is not 100% pure.
In the mix are motives like getting/keeping power at all costs.

Most card-carrying Communists in China are no more Communist
than most baptised Catholics in Italy are Catholic

Jesus, please purify our motives...and our religion


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