Read the words below, then read this, then cry....and
Jesus, please don't let men treat women unjustly
As God's children redeemed by Jesus, all people share a basic equality
Therefore, with respect to the fundamental rights of the person,
every type
of discrimination, whether social or cultural,
whether based on sex, race,
color, social condition, language or religion,
is to be overcome and eradicated
as contrary to God's intent.
For in truth it must still be regretted that
fundamental personal rights are still not being universally honored.
Such is the
case of a woman who is denied the right to choose a husband freely,
to embrace a
state of life or to acquire an education or cultural benefits equal to those
recognized for men.
The equal dignity of persons demands that a more humane and just condition of
life be brought about.
Excessive economic and social differences between the
members of the one human family or population groups cause scandal, and militate
against social justice, equity, the dignity of the human person, as well as
social and international peace.
Human institutions, both private and public, must labor to
minister to the dignity and purpose of humankind.
Let them put up a
stubborn fight against any kind of slavery, whether social or political,
safeguard the basic rights of people under every political system.
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