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The 16 Documents of Vatican II


 159:   Based on the Vatican II document 
Gaudium et Spes (Church in the world) 
Article 57



Philosophy, history, science, the arts
- all of these help us appreciate truth, goodness and beauty,
all of these are a sharing in the wisdom and beauty of God

All of these should lead to God.
If they lead away from God
they have run off the track

Two famous scientists: Louis Pasteur and Teilhard de Chardin (..both French!..)
were drawn closer to God
by the marvels they saw and discovered in nature.

Whether it's a flower, a painting, a book, or whatever:
may all creation remind us of the Creator

Jesus, you who loved the flowers in the field
and the birds in the air,
please increase our appreciation of the things of nature


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