Reflection 242
Based on the Vatican II
document (Comments welcome here) |
This article encourages missionaries, especially priests, to stay faithful to their vocation and "keep going"
days one problem making it difficult for many priests to "keep
going" is burn
c.f. Priests
saying 9 Masses a day
In many places (e.g. Hong Kong) an increasingly common "game" played by more and more parishes, vicar generals and relatives of sick/deceased people is: "Find a priest" for Mass/visit/service.....and as the "game" becomes more difficult to play, people just give up, as in some developed countries, and don't even bother to find a priest for visiting the sick, for funerals etc
please move the heart of the pope and others at the Vatican
to provide more priests for the world (e.g. let married deacons be ordained
priests, let catechists be ordained, let ex-priests return to ministry etc)