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The 16 Documents of Vatican II


Reflection 298   Based on the 1965 Vatican II document: 

(Comments welcome here)


"There is a source of great joy for the Church in the fact that there is a daily increase in the number of lay persons who offer their personal service to apostolic associations and activities, either within the limits of their own nation or in the international field or especially in Catholic mission communities and in regions where the Church has only recently been implanted".

One thinks of the many thousands of lay Catholics who are now graduating each year from Catholic theological and pastoral colleges

It's good to study wisdom for the sake of wisdom, but also good if the above graduates have opportunities to put their learning at the service of the Church

Jesus, may their be more jobs in the Church for such graduates: 
as parish pastoral assistants, counsellors, social workers, catechists, youth co-ordinators, evangelists, etc

c.f. A happy story about a lay person who joined a group whose leadership, by the mid to late 1980s, was declaring publicly that the future of its mission activity rested with laypeople